Hillary Clinton Must Be Stopped

Munro Williams

New member
In this most recent of "We Gotta Know This Stuff" essays, Robert L. Kocher argues that America's future freedom is not a result of the Presidential elections but the Senatorial race in New York.

I'm sold. Hillary is the shrewdest and most dangerous enemy that the Republic has ever had, bar none.




New member
for 8 years she has been at the core of the Executive Tyranny.
read "Hell to Pay" by Olson- great hillary bio(unauthorized of course)

Ed Brunner

New member
As a matter of fact, ever since we let the inmates run the asylum we have been electing exactly what we deserve in politicians. Two great examples are the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia and The Evil Empire State of New York. Look at the politicians they regularly elect and how it is accomplished.

It is enouth to cause one to become a Conspiracy Theorist.

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,



New member
Munro & Ed-- you're right!
Hillary is the most dangerous of all the 'Toons...
and some of the nuttiest laws take root in CA or NY first before plaguing the rest of the country.
Can Y*O*U take 6 more years of Tubba on TV? I can't!
The Conservative Leadership PAC has a fund & committee to stop Shillery-- go here- www.clpac.com/help/stop1/ and they've got one for AlBorg2000, too- www.clpac.com/help/stop2/

Please, please, give these websites to everybody you know! Soonest!

Munro Williams

New member
Hillary's taking the same electoral route that Bobby Kennedy did. Unless the nation grows up PDQ she'll be President in '04 or '08 regardless of who wins this presidential election. Bush and Lazio are snatching defeat from the very jaws of victory.



New member
I don't buy the inevitability of Hillary's ascent to the presidency just because she won the senate.

First, she has to perform as senator. If she don't bring home the bacon, she will not win.

Second, the senate is a place where no one get their way at all times. It is a place where negotiation reigns supreme. She has to be able to cut a deal to bring the bacon home (see #1 above) and to position herself in the power structure. Based on her performance during the health care disaster, I think she has no ability to compromise or negotiate. Her world is binary (good/bad, black/white, etc.). That so, the senate system will simply isolate her. Her power is derived from her ability to do favors. Without Bill in the WH, she is without influence (except for the FBI records, etc.)

Third, I would hope a Dubya White House and a republican controlled senate would have the good sense to send that lady to her office in a broom closet and see to it she is not assigned to any committee of any influence (such as any freshman senator would have to endure). Surviving democrat senators will not want to give up their committees of importance for her benefit.

No, I see Hillary have a really hard time accepting he fact that she is merely mortal and not the two-legged god she fancies her self.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964


New member
So, can anyone recommend a good SILVER factory load for .45 or .270?

or a good deal on bulk garlic?

Already got the Super Soaker loaded with holy water. ;)


Moderator Emeritus
Too bad our (Georgia's) idea of a Democrat Senator, Sam Nunn, decided to climb out of the cesspool and shower off.

It'd be amusing to watch the hypothetical junior senator from Noo Yawk try and force her agendas past the man who was the recognized "kingmaker" of the Senate for many years...

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!


New member
The sad thing is that so many people here in NY will vote for her. She may just win.

Schumer and Hillary would be too much, they may need to remove part of my brain and keep me on drugs! :(

Any of you from NY please see my post on the NY gunowners rally, please come if you can.

Geoff Ross

Munro Williams

New member
Read the other aritcles in the series. That's a link to part 3.



New member
Wish her luck if she wins. Do you really think Tom "The Hammer" Delay will give a rat's tail who she's married to? Vote to keep the Republican majority, and even if she wins in New York she won't be able to get her agenda through. And in four years maybe we can finally get an unbeatable candidate like Colin Powell. I'd like to see the Democraps try their race baiting with someone like Powell.

"Get yourself a Pistolet Makarova and lose that pricey western gadget."


New member
I'm not a STOP Hillery at any cost person. I do believe that The Clintons do not want to go back to Arkansas...ANY PLACE BUT ARKANSAS!

She would/will make as good a Senator as Bill did a President. It sure would have been nice if America had had a first LADY.


New member
Colin Powell? Puh-leaze! I admired the man for years, but when he ran away after Clinton's election I lost all faith in the man. You think our military would be in anywhere near the sad state it is if he would have shown some spine and stuck it out? Even now, he's waffleing between Dem and Rep as far as what to do. He may be a great man, but when we (America) needed him most, he pulled a Patrick Henry. <---fine speech then rode out the war.


New member
Let's see, Senator Hillary will have to deal with Senator No! For those of you outside North Carolina, that is Sen. Jesse Helms.

I want the popcorn concessions to that matchup.

I read "Hell to Pay." yes, the author does make a strong case for Hillary being a single-minded fascist and megalomaniac (?sp). But she isn't the only single-minded, megalomaniac in the senate.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964


New member
My fervent prayer is to never see any of the Clinton mob on prime time programming or in the newspapers again. Let them fade away. Let them be absorbed by the supermarket tabloids ("Hillary has affair with farm animal while Bill watches!"). Let Al go shovel manure for the first time. Let Paul Begala do 3 am infomercials for hair-growth products. Let Lanny Davis defend pimps and whores in Pissonit, NY. Let Donna Shalala get the part of Quasimodo in an off-Broadway bisexual, hermaphroditic production of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Let Janet Reno be assigned by Putin to investigate corruption in the Politburo and have as her escorts former KGB agents.

Just, please God, let our people go.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html and forward the link to every gun owner you know.


New member

You missed my point. I'm not pushing for Powell. I'm pointing out someone that would be very tough to beat. Any suggestions on someone with his name recognition, national appeal and that can turn the race baiting on its head?

"Get yourself a Pistolet Makarova and lose that pricey western gadget."


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A strong case can be made,therefore, that it is a fundamental DUTY of the free citizen to keep and bear arms.[/quote]

The speaker?
Alan Keys.

His push for nomination went pretty much nowhere. We (speaking as a Republican) sorely missed the boat by passing on Keys. Republicans, and conservatives in general, don't have the guile to play the race/religon/ethnic game that the Democrats have. They (Democrats) have pretty much perfected that.

This is a tough area to discuss without the tinges of racism creeping in. (The Dems have pretty much shaped perception on issues like this.) If we(Republicans) support a minority, they(Democrats) immediatly cry "token". While they (Dems) can drag out a real "token", and openly defy the other side to acknowledge it.
I mean come on, in the context of this topic, can anyone not see that a Jewish running mate for Gore is nothing more than a way to garner Jewish support for the ENTIRE Democratic party, Hillary included.

[This message has been edited by RAE (edited October 26, 2000).]


New member
I fervently agree - that woman running for U.S. Senate in NY absolutely MUST lose - and by such a trouncing that she couldn't by any stretch of the imagination come back.

How can we get our NY brethern and sisterhood to work on this? (It is a bit late, but ...)

Munro Williams

New member

Using the "Hitlery" metaphor, the GOP passed on Churchill, (Keyes) and chose Chamberlain, that is, Bush. I fear we're going to get wiped out in a few years.


Ed Brunner

New member
She can get anything she wants in the senate regardless of seniority.

How can this be???

She has copies of those 900+ FBI files and she has not misplaced them either.

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,
