Higher Charge or Heavier Bullet Selection?

I came across a post recently casually stating that if you have cycling issues, a heavier bullet may be needed.

He wasn't stating that this is the only answer, only AN answer. My HK P30 fires UMC and WWB ammo fine. But, I've been trying to work up a good range load for it instead.

These loads were used with OAL of 1.120" for 9mm Luger

Power Pistol at 6.0 and 6.2gr; 115gr Win FMJ Flat Base

AA#2 (not improved) at 4.9gr using same bullet.

The slide barely fully cycles for my wife. It cycles OK for me, but we both get malfunctions. The reason why I wanted to know if a heavier bullet may be in order is I'm approaching the upper end of the scale for powder charges.

I don't want to switch powder yet until I run out. I do have a notion that the powders may be the issue since they burn so fast...at least the AA #2 does.

Would moving to a 124gr be adviseable?


New member
Has someone else fired the pistol with your reloads? And how did it cycle? You may be limp wristing the gun. It must be held firmly so the slide can function properly. Limp wristing allows the frame to recoil with the slide and it will not cycle right.


New member
It sounds like your wife is definitely limp wristing, and you may be doing it also.

I would try a shorter OAL first, as long as you are not near max load. If that does not help, then bullelt shape may also be a factor, a bullet with a longer ogive may be better.
It sounds like your wife is definitely limp wristing, and you may be doing it also.

I'm not so sure, Shoney. We've both shot quite a bit. Rugers, XD40 and XD45s, Glocks, Springers, etc. She handles them quite well without any inherint limp wristing.

Also, it doesn't do it at all on factory loads. I'm not ruling it out completely since the P30 is definitely different than the other handguns we're used to shooting.

The OAL appeared a bit short to begin with. The max OAL is 1.169" and being down to 1.120" appeared to be OK. Do you think I should go even shorter?


New member
Yes! Frustrating isn't it!!!!:(

Sounds like you might want to try longer, and shorter if it will not have the ogive below the mouth of the case. Try another brand of bullet (you didn't name which one you are currently loading) if the OAL adjustments don't work.


New member
I want a load that will cycle, limp wristing or no limp wristing. Try a heavier bullet, heavier charge or something. Malfunctions are not acceptable in my book.
I personally use 147gr cast lead bullets in my 9mm 1911.


New member
The load for the AA2 is in the middle of the Accurate data but then you're loading it considerably longer than the 1.095 as recommended so pressure is falling off. I'd suggest staying with the AA2 and going up on the powder or you can load them shorter to build the pressure back up. For plinkers, the Power Pistol may be a little slow but you also have room to go up according to the Alliant website. Going to heavier bullet buys you more recoil. I assume lower recoil is why the loads are not close to max or factory. Your probably close on the loading data, just need to shorten them up a hair or add a hair more powder.
Another thing you can do is replace the recoil spring with one lighter. I'm not all that familiar with your pistol but Wolfe has springs for just about anything. One a couple of pounds lighter would make the gun shoot any low velocity ammo but it won't work for a steady diet of full loads. You'll end up beating it to death. But you can always change the spring back when cleaning it and switching to carry ammo. I do this with a 1911 all the time. I just spray painted the end of the light one red to tell the difference.


New member
According to my Speer 13 manual 6.2 grains of PP is the starting load, AA#2 wasn't listed. I would bump up the charge a little since you are at minimum now.
According to my Speer 13 manual 6.2 grains of PP is the starting load, AA#2 wasn't listed. I would bump up the charge a little since you are at minimum now.

That's what I was guessing, too. My Ruger P95 always shot well with the lower end of the spectrum on reloads. Even the XDs of mine do. But, the HK was a horse of a different color. This is what I found. Bear with me.

From Accurate's Load data: 4.7-5.2gr at 1.095"

The bullet's ogive was just starting to set behind the case mouth, so I lengthened my OAL to 1.12. With such a percieved narrow window for min-max loads, I started at 4.9gr.

I also have Speer's NO.13 and I saw their loads at 6.2-6.7gr. Take note, though, that they have their test loads with 1.125" OAL.

I also referenced Lyman's 48th ed.

Their load is 5.9-6.5gr with 1.090" OAL.

Alliant (maker of Power Pistol) only gives max load of 6.7gr with OAL of 1.12" I stuck with their length since I was using their powder. Also, they recommended reducing loads by 10% (basic rule of thumb anyway). Calculating 90% of 6.7gr gave me 6.03. So, I rounded up a bit to 6.2gr...a bit above the minimum.

That's my logic, anyway.

The load for the AA2 is in the middle of the Accurate data but then you're loading it considerably longer than the 1.095 as recommended so pressure is falling off. I'd suggest staying with the AA2 and going up on the powder or you can load them shorter to build the pressure back up. For plinkers, the Power Pistol may be a little slow but you also have room to go up according to the Alliant website. Going to heavier bullet buys you more recoil. I assume lower recoil is why the loads are not close to max or factory. Your probably close on the loading data, just need to shorten them up a hair or add a hair more powder.

Adding more powder is what I think I'll try first.

I know all of this is pretty elementary, but with a newer gun design for me and being the first time lower reload levels are giving me some challenges I wanted to seek other peoples' advice just to be safe...