Highballed on Armslist


New member
This was a first, and I even admire his sense of humor.

If you've ever had a gun for sale on Armslist I'm sure you've gotten the typical lowball replies, the sub-50% offers and so forth. This was different.

He replied on Monday or Tuesday, wrote in complete sentences, didn't quibble, offered my full asking price, AND offered to pay an extra $25 for a box of bullets. He said he'd be able to buy it this weekend, whichever day I preferred.

I knew it was too good to be true and never expected him to follow through, but it was a nice change of pace from the usual replies.


New member
So I take it he didn't follow through? What was the kicker? The fact that you required a signed bill of sale? The fact that you wouldn't accept small unmarked bills? :p
I don't understand. What's the rest of the story -- did you accept his offer and he failed to show up and complete the purchase? Did you for some reason NOT accept an offer to pay your full asking price?

Inquiring minds want to know ...


New member
He never made contact after his first email.

Good thing I didn't buy a box of bullets to go with the gun. :D


New member
I really dont understand what these people get from setting up sales that they dont follow through on? I mean really, do these people get off on this or something?


New member
What a miserable thing.

Did you turn down any offers during the 'sold' period?

That really burns me up. I've had it happen with vehicle sales (well, I got burned once and learned) and now my policy is the item is for sale to anybody that shows up with the money UNLESS I get some earnest money down on the item.


New member
Over the years I have learned my lessons well . No deal is made until the money is in my hand . I will not hold a gun for you it is for sale until it is sold FIRST COME FIRST SERVED


New member
Probably closing down to the last day of his own similar item sale and was hoping you would cancel your auction so as not to compete with his.