high standard help!


New member
i have a high standard sport king that has a busted trigger return spring.

my local smith has been unsuccessful so far in finding or making one.

brownells does not carry the spring i need, and high standard inc. does not answer calls or emails.

anybody got any ideas where to get a spring, or have one made?


Google Bob Shea or go over to the High Standard board and get the info for Bob Shea. Send him your gun.

Mr. Shea, who I saw at shot show last year, was the head gunsmith at the original HS. He is still supervising or actually building 10Xs for the new High Standard.

He is about 90 years old and appeared very frail. He is one of the giants of golden age of guns who is still with us.

He rebuilt my 106 and it sings with the correct ammo. In fact, I think Ill shoot that baby today with some RWS :)

WildasyougetolderyourgunsgetsmallerAlaska ™©2002-2010


New member
What's all the fuss ?? Don't you have GFs or wives ?? The spare part I always carried in my gunsmithing kit at matches always contained a BOBBY PIN !! A bobby pin [the one made of flat wire not the round wire ] is perfect for the HS.. All it needs is to be cut to proper length .Works fine !!! I helped more than one HS owner when then lost their spring .:D:D


New member
sorry ogree and mete, thats the sear spring, i need the trigger return spring.

its made of round stock, and way more curvy than a boby pin can be flexed into.

James K

Member In Memoriam
H-S kept recycling names; are we talking about the 103 pistol or the .22 auto rifle or the pump rifle?

If the pistol, and IIRC, the little V sear bar spring IS the trigger return spring; it pushes the sear bar forward and the sear bar moves the trigger forward.
