High Standard - Derrenger question

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44 Deerslayer

New member
Some worked fine and others were "iffy". The early ones were better than the later ones made when High Standard was in financial trouble and quality control was poor.

I wouldn't buy one unless I could try it out first.

Trigger Finger

New member
I have one and like it. Sometimes I carry it in a wallet type holster along with my 40 cal. Good for short range work. I would buy it.


New member
"The early ones were better than the later ones made when High Standard was in financial trouble and quality control was poor."

I can relate to that. I have one that I inherited from my dad that was made in 1958, and it's still working fine. I bought one of my own in 1980, and it was a POS. The barrel would noticeably wobble in the frame. I traded that one in for something else (Beretta).

The older High Standard derringers were nice, but the ones made just before they went under were junk, AFAIC.


New member

JUST DO IT. I would never pass on a firearm under $100, unless there is more rust than metal, the seller is willing to swap white power for the firearm or it is missing key compenents like magazine (I actually saw this at a pawn shop), trigger, springs etc...


New member
Slightly off topic; anyone ever used to read the old Jon Sable Freelance comics in the 80s? He used to carry one of these (in addition to a Broomhandle Mauser). Always made me want to buy one if I had the chance.

Maybe that's a good topic idea...hmmm.
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