High Point semi-auto's

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New member
NOT AS A CC!!, so don't start flaming me with "would you stake your life on a $99 gun?".

These are fun guns to shoot, they are fairly solid, reasonably accurate, and have a lifetime warranty. You can fine tune the trigger alittle.
You can buy 3 of them for the price of a 'real' gun. And if you break it, send it in, and they'll give you a new one.

The one's I have function great with the right ammo. Just a real good plinker.:cool:


New member
You have one friend here, Grasshopper!!! A somewhat deluded fellow named Tropical Z!!!!!!! :p

As a FORMER Hi-Point owner, I have but one comment: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
I like the Hi Points as well. I have the C-9 pistol and the 995 carbine.

They have been 100% reliable the entire time I have had them. The C-9 was my first firearm.

You'll likely get a lot of bashing from people on this board. Most of them won't be as civil as denfoote. Just be ready.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I do not own a High Point, but have fired several of them and found them reliable and reasonably accurate. IMHO, they are too heavy and clumsy for carry, but in my experience they are reliable enough. For a low cost home defense gun they beat the cheap little autos.

FWIW, I shot a 9mm on the range beside a fellow with a very expensive, big name .45 clone (not Colt). He was having nothing but failures and jams with ball ammo. The H-P just kept ticking. I asked if he wanted to swap. If looks could kill I would not be typing this.



New member
I have the .380 caliber model and find it to be much more reliable then some of my guns costing 4 times as much.I have probably fired over 1000 or so rounds through it and NEVER had ANY kind of malfunction whatsoever.:p


New member

Got 4 of the semi-auto's, never had a problem with any of them. I have owned other name brand revolvers, but sold all of them to get a Marlin 1895C NIB in .45-70.

I do heve the 9mm Carbine too and it's an awesome assault rifle. The pistols I have are the 9mm, the .380, the .40, amd the .45acp.

I'm moving on to bigger and better semi-auto's now. Trying to get the 10mm now (not a Hi-Point).



Tropical Z

New member
As Jim Keenan pointed out,theres no better revenge than happily shooting box after box while someone next to you struggles continuously with their "expensive and therefore 100% reliable" handgun.After recently taking my compensated 9mm apart for the first time,i'm even more impressed! These guns are built like tanks! I've had two failures in my Hi-Point shooting and both involved empty $11.00 for a hundred Winchesters failing to clear the ejection port.The Hi-Point is a truly amazing gun at its price point.;)
P.S.i've experienced this exact same Winchester failure with every single 9mm i own FWIW.

Jason Demond

New member
My cousin had one, that's the one I shot. I have never owned one nor will I. The gun he owned would not shoot a full mag without a jam, no matter what kind of ammo we tried. I didn't like the fit, finish or anything else about the gun. He sold it off and ended up with a Taurus M85. FWIW the gun was chambered for the 40S&W, although I am not sure of the model number. That is the only experience with Hi-point I have had. If they work for you, more power to you!


New member
Hey Jason:
I just noticed you're in Hastings, MI. I summer aways north west of you.
Does Phil Waldron still have the furniture store there in Hastings?

Jason Demond

New member
I don't recall a Waldron furniture store in Hastings, but we used to have a Waldorff Furniture. The name is now Fuller and they moved location.


New member
A hooray for Hi-Point

Even though I now carry my Ruger P90 and P89, I still own my 9mm and 40 s&w high point handguns and I have over 10000 rnds in the 9mm and she is still ticking. The Hi-Points were my very first CCW weapon and never failed me.



New member
What are your guys talking about?

Hi Points are made from cheap pot metal and have the fit and finish of a first time Bondo user.

They are Saturday night specials made as cheaply as possible. Even the carbine has a lot of plastic parts.

I've seen the paint finish chipping off of a new Hi Point 9mm handgun at a pawn shop. And the sights are el cheapo. No thanks.

Only one out of 20 gun shops in Washington state will carry them and only the 9mm carbine.

If money is tight, for $400 you can buy a lot of nice quality guns.

The Hi Points that I've seen usually in the hands of new shooters DO NOT match the fit and finish of a Glock, Sig, Colt, Kahr, SA XD, HS2000, a CZ, or a Beretta.

For God's sake - don't you have any respect for your hand or your looks at the range.

It's a friggin Yugo! Dump it.


New member
Well I got the HiPoint 9mm Comp yesterday. The fit is surprisingly tight. As tight, if not tighter, than my MkII HiPower and P88. The external finish is very well done except for a left grip panel that slightly warps outward toward the front top. Cannot see this discrepancy unless you look at it closely from the front. Internally, it is a bit rough. About as rough as my old TZ-75, and that gun shoots as good as my SIGs, HKs, Walthers, and Glock (G34). How well the Hipoint shoots has yet to be seen.

I do have SIGs, HKs, Walthers, a Glock, Freedom Arms', Tauruses, Springfields, a CZ, Brownings, Rugers, Bersas/FireStorms, etc. Why not try something lowball? It only ran me $125. I want to see FIRST HAND what the flack, as jtduncan demonstrates, is all about.

Tropical Z

New member
$400.00 for a Hi-Point! Try $140.00.
Hi-Points have as good of sites as most any gun on the market and are better than most unless you don't like red.The finish is certainly unique but mine looks like the day i bought it.I think someone is another jealous non-owner!:p


New member


For $400 I can buy 3 of the semi-auto Hi-Points handguns or 1 of the handguns and the 9mm Carbine.

As far as looks go at the range. I always ask my buddies if they want to shoot my inexpensive, reliable, dependable, accurate, and lifetime warranteed hair dryer, lol.




I'm considering buying one and putting it in my BOB for bartering purposes. It'd be nice to get a full tank of gas and some food if cash became obsolete.... ;)
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