High point 45 cal.carbine


New member
Just recieved a flyier from a local small GS,saying the have the 45 carbine in stock.I bought my wife the 9mm a while back and its been a great plinker o issues,and Ive been holding out for the 45.
Has anyone bought one yet,id like some info on performance.


New member
*Shoves iblong into a display case to get to the gun counter and buy a 4595.*;)

I have yet to run across one yet, I've tried all around my area to no avail, but the limited feedback I have heard says that they are just as good as the 9mm and 40.

They should be solid as the design was finalized years ago. On the old Hi-Point forum there was pictures of the prototype and talk of it's performance. Hi-Point was maxed out already on 995 and 4095 carbines at the time.