Hiding the long gun

News Shooter

New member
I've posted this before

But, I understand you probably live some place that makes it uncomfortable to be obvious..me too

I have a canvas garment bag that most of my long guns fit into...i also picked up a used golf bag at a garage sale for a coupe of bucks..it's perfect with covers over the muzzles..you could leave that leaned against your car for days and nobody would think anything of it

good luck!


New member
Once, when I moved, I didn't have an extra case for a .22 Marlin, so I temporarily wrapped it in a clean (Non fabric softened) towel. My wife was not pleased. :) I should note also, that when I carried it in the open, though the towel was lavender, it still looked like I was carrying a long gun.


New member
Soft-sided guitar case that cost $10. No reason to let anyone know what it is from my house to the trunk. Of course it is legal in my state to transport it like that.


New member
I live in an apartment complex so i'm in the same boat... want to keep it on the down low. I usually keep the gun in it's case and put a big black garbage bag over it. Cheap and probably effective enough for the neighbors not to have an idea what it is.