Hiding the long gun


New member
Does anyone uses something other than standard gun case type carrier to carry guns to and from the range.

I really don't care to carry a standard gun case back and forth to the house. I live in a good area now and don't worry about the neighbors, but one never knows who they will mention it to.

I don't have an AR or AK, but I just feel it's safer the fewer people know what I have in the house.

News Shooter

New member
A couple of suggestions

I have the same issue. I have a canvas garment bag that most of mine will fit in and I also picked up an old golf bag at a garage sale. It's perfect. I put them in stock first and put covers over the barrel. You can't tell the difference.


New member
I bought a gun case cover from Cabela's mostly for the shoulder strap, but it does provide a little 'cover' if you tuck the gun case handle out of sight. Neighbors have a massage guy come by every week and his folding massage table looks very much like one of these.



New member
Gut a guitar case and fill with foam?

People who don't pay attention probably wouldn't even realize one of those plastic, square rifle cases were a rifle case unless you walked out with a loaded bandolier on while carrying it. :)

gfen, who thought a coffincase would make an amusing rifle case.


New member
Actually, you know what just occurred to me? A *trombone* case. There are two kinds... straight long boxes and somewhat "bell-shaped" ones. The straight ones would probably work better... they're made of wood, usually have locking latches, enough room... you may hafta gut them and fill em with foam but they should fit just about any rifle. Your neighbors may wonder about your "extreme love of music" though. :p

This one is a bit too nice... but if ya got the cash...

hm... i was gonna post a more "economical" model... but they're kinda hard to find. Maybe it's not such a great idea. On the other hand, I know where my money went when I bought my trumpet.

Edit: Haha! Can't beat this! http://cgi.ebay.com/King-Trombone-I...356817002QQcategoryZ64378QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


New member
As previously mentioned a guitar case works well. You can get a soft, padded and zippered guitar case for under $10 at yomusic.com (at least you used to be able to, not sure about right now). They work great and of course then you just have to worry they break in to steal your guitar. For handguns many of the standard tool bags they have at home improvement stores work very well as range bags with lots of pockets and interior room and a stay open mouth. Better IMO than a bag with BERETTA or something similar stitched onto it. Of course then they might try and steal yout tools. When does it end!

When we moved into our new house I waited until very late at night when everything had quieted down and stealthily got my gun safe from back of the U-Haul and transferred it into the new house (as stealthily as you can move a massive, heavy thing like that), figuring the less anybody else knew about this particular hobby of mine the better. We actually did manage to do this in near silence and very quickly. Same reason I don't put pro-gun bumper stickers on my car anymore as much as I would like to. Why advertise you own guns?


New member
Golf club bag. Buttstocks down, ridiculous looking sock-thing golfer use to protect their clubs over the end of the barrels.


New member
I think that those square cases aren't bad. I have one for my sg, and if you live in a place where someone wouldn't expect a gun, it looks like a keyboard case. Course, if i brought it out in a place with a high density of firearm owners, i'm sure someone would notice.


New member
I would love to hear the story you would tell a LEO if they pulled you over.

"Yes officer that is a guitar case with a rifle in it. No Sir I am not a gangster, I just don't want to have my neighbor's knowing I own a firearm." etc.


New member
"Yes sir, I have a rifle in my trunk, seperate from the passenger compartment, as per the law."

I don't think that they'll be searching the car unless they happen to have some other reason. Heck, I knew someone who carried their guitar in a rifle case coz it was cheaper. What's it matter?


New member
I've noticed that no matter what i do, i get the looks. People just can tell. i've even tried the big travel cases but that only works a few times since i return too soon.. that's even worse..

"is he dragging body parts in those samsonites..."

i've given up and transport the stuff in obvious means. not like they are illegal ffs


New member
I like the golf bag idea, I may have to pick one of those up at a pawn shop or yard sale. You should've seen me a couple weeks ago, on the way to the firing range to qualify with my SKS so I can carry it on patrol. I had it in a padded rifle case, slung across my back, riding my motorcycle. :D


New member
I don't know about other states but here in Illinois one of the requirements to legally transport a firearm is it must be in a the factory box or a case which is designed for firearms. Now Illinois is, I admit, not a very free state but you might want to check your states laws before putting your guns in guitar cases, etc.

No Name XII

New member
Actually, the IL law says:

" (a) A person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he knowingly:
(4) Carries or possesses in any vehicle or concealed
on or about his person except when on his land or in his own abode or fixed place of business any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or other firearm, except that this subsection (a) (4) does not apply to or affect transportation of weapons that meet one of the following conditions:

(i) are broken down in a non functioning state;

(ii) are not immediately accessible; or
(iii) are unloaded and enclosed in a case,
firearm carrying box, shipping box, or other container
by a person who has been issued a currently valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card"

There are other offenses, but they use the same wording about transportation requirements.