Hiding a gun short term


New member
Would you hide your gun in this?


I have to go to a hotel for two weeks while I wait for the condo to be ready. Federal employee so I can't carry at work and need to leave it at the hotel. I want to keep one of my guns with me, the SP101 DAO 2" but will this work for short term safe keeping?


New member
I've never used anything like that before, so this is just opinion; no, I wouldn't, especially not in a hotel where you can't hide it among all the other books on your shelves (I don't think I'd use it at home, either).

I'm sorry I don't have anything better to offer as a solution....


New member
If I was a burglar the first place I would check are books and cans in the fridge :p

yup they sell fake cans too.......


New member
I'm going to check into a safe at the hotel. My father's thoughts were "I wouldn't want them just to walk out with it." So....I guess the book idea stinks. Hopefully, we'll get a decent place short term where we can secure the gun. I dearly don't want to part with my SP but I can't keep it in my purse or in my car as I'm a federal employee and no way in Hell want to risk it.