"Hi-Tech" weapons


New member
Watching the news a minute ago, they were doing a story on a big FBI bust today in the Indland Empire(area of Southern California) or some Mexican Mafia members. The anchor introduced the storay, taking about the mexican mafia bust, and then saying that the FBI also found some "Hi-Tech" weapons in the houses. The reporter picked up the story from there. During the story, she reffered to the people who were busted as Mexican Mafia members, and not as suspected Mexican Mafia members. Anyway, back to the futuristic guns they found. The anchor picked back up after the reporter finished, and said "We are told, that some of the gun found, were equipped with 'lasers'". He said Laser like Dr.Evil from Austin Powers.
What makes a gun with a laser more hi-tech?

A lot of BB guns have lasers on them when you buy them, are they "futuristic", or "hi-tech"? Does having a laser on a gun make it more deadly? Just because there is a laser does that mean that the gun instantly jumps around killing people?

Anyway, figure I would share this story about Hi-tech guns, and guilty before proven guilty suspects with the rest of you.

[This message has been edited by MrBlonde (edited August 09, 2000).]

Jeff Thomas

New member
Cute ... thanks. It would be fun to collect all these bozo 'news' stories over the course of a year, and bestow an award upon the most brain-dead journalist.

What could we call it? The 'Gun Bigot Divot Award'? ;)

Live and let live. Regards from AZ


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrBlonde:
...The anchor picked back up after the reporter finished, and said "We are told, that some of the gun found, were equipped with 'lasers'".[/quote]

I wonder if the anchor just assumed that any weapon with laser sights is "high tech," and that's what he dubbed them. The news media is s-o-o-o creative. The facts seem to never get in the way.

Reminds me of a story on local television here. It was reported that cops had busted a guy for something related to drugs. The station had film of the cops cleaning out his house. As the film rolled, the voice over offered that the police had discoved a cache of guns and ammo. The film was of a cop carry an arm load of muzzle loaders!

Indeed, there may have been some serious weaponry found, but, geez, the film editor or reporter should be taught some things...

Hey, I just wonder if the cache of ammo were the caps and balls for those muzzle stuffers?


[This message has been edited by Numbers (edited August 09, 2000).]

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Some of you will think this is nuts, but I honestly believe that reporter may have thought these were "laser guns," as in guns that fire laser beams a la Star Wars. Call it a 60% chance.


New member
Ignorance can be cured, Supidity cannot.

One has to ponder which gene puddle the author crawled from.

I wonder how this fella would classify an arm equipped with a thermal imager. With the complement of visible and IR Lasers.

He's probably think it was for a mission to Probe Uranus. :)