HI Standard Flight King

Cpl Nobbs

New member
I recently stumbled into ownership of a Hi Standard Flite King Field Model K10 for a price I couldn't refuse (Hey, you want this old shotgun?)

I was thinking of maybe putting a tube extender and cutting back the barrel a bit (keeping it legal) and maybe having some fun with multiple lasers and small/large maglights on the barrel, maybe a pistol grip or folding stock etc

basicaly something I can play with some home gunsmithing with and if I wreck it no big loss.

what I haven't been able to figure out is what parts out there would be compatable with it?

or am I totaly off the beam and there arn't any compatable parts?

Cpl N. Nobbs


New member
High Standard has been out of the shotgun business for 30 years so I doubt you will find any plastic parts to pimp it out.
Trade it off on a used Mossberg, you can get all sorts of stuff for them that you can swap out without wrecking the gun even if this would be no big loss.


Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
The Flite King was a decent shotgun. Try some shots before A, Pimping it or B, trading it.

A reliable, durable shotgun capable of holding 4 or 5 rounds is an awesome weapon sans addons, fuzzy dice or naugahyde tuck and roll upholstery. The HS qualifies.....

Cpl Nobbs

New member
well dad gum it! now if I do anything but shoot it I'll feel guilty! and I was REALLY looking forward to hunting and skining the Naugas for the Tuck and Roll.

(I hadn't thought about fuzzy dice though.)

Cpl. N Nobbs


New member
I like mine!

I found my own High Standard Flight King, with an 18-1/8" barrel:



It is a shooter; patterned at 12 yards (max distance in my home....) Double Ought Buck and 7-1/2 bird shot. I now have it loaded with #4 Buck Shot for home defense. I am very pleased with the results.


Cpl Nobbs

New member
now THAT is what I wanted to end up with! that is sweet. but to further the Saga, upon arriving home yesterday there was a phone call from the a Local Gun Shop informing my wife that she had won the Remington 11-87 Ducks Unlimited Custom Premium 20 ga in the Raffle.

(someone is trying it out as a turkey gun this past weekend, if they like it, it's cash in pocket for a Mossberg or 870)

The Gamemaster

New member
You ought to keep the DU gun, it will probably be the best shotgun you will ever buy.

One of my friends worked for Remington and he told me that they put a lot of extra work and effort into them guns and that they are worth every penny.

The triggers are reworked at the factory and they are a excellent gun.

Cpl Nobbs

New member
after reading my last, I don't think I made myself clear. the High Standard is out for testing as a Turkey Gun (just had e-mail they want it) and the 11-87 sitting in the spot on the rack formerly held by the Hi Standard. that is going to be a keeper. it has to be the nicest feeling shotgun I ever held. and the action just feels solid and smooth.


New member
High Standard 12 G Pump Flite King Delux

I Have Had This Rifle Since 1968. There Have Only Been At Most 10 Shots. Would Like To Sell, But Have No Idea What It Is Worth. in case
Has Beaded Site And Choke.
Appreciate Some Idea.
Send To Email kenmccormick1@mac.com Or Post
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Not a Flight King, but...

It's not a Flight King, but it is a High Standard....

My little rib tickler, the Model 10B with a few little additions (Eotech and extended magazine).

At 25 yards it will put 7-rounds of Federal LE132-00 buck into a 6 inch circle. That's more a reflection of the LE132 than of me or the 10B, though.:)


New member
4thPointofContact, I too have a Model 10B and I too wish to know where you scored the magazine extension. I very much want one for my 10B if I can find one. Thanks.


New member
[SIZE=+2]C[/SIZE]ongratulations, Cpl Nobbs, your wife has a very nice 11-87! Don't let the DU gun spoil you for 'regular' shotguns. Yesterday, I made a comment about Remmy 1100s that applies to your (her) custom shop 11-87 as well...
I call my unaltered R-1100 Trap model my clickity-clack gun because there's so much going on between shots. I've been fortunate to have fired D-grade, custom-shop, comp guns, and they're quite different: Quick, smooth and solid feeling. As my R-1100 cycles, part of me isn't totally confident that it's going to fire the next shot -- not a strong point in a target gun. With a high grade R-1100, it's a different experience -- not something available to those on a $1000 budget.
First of all, my apologies for never having returned to this thread and leaving unanswered questions.

The story behind the extended magazine tube:
I knew that the original tubes had been manufactured by Choate so I gave them a call and asked if they still had any in stock. After they all stopped laughing, someone was found that had worked on the original project and said they didn't have any in stock but gave a few pointers on how to do a conversion.

First of all, you need to find another magazine tube, Numrich aka E-Gunparts still has a few in stock last time I looked. Find one and have it welded to your original so that it is 18.5 - 19 inches long. Longer is better, you can fit another round in with the last .5 inch. (It will extend a bit past the muzzle but I haven't seen any effects from blast on it.)

Second. You need to either cut the interior of the stock magazine cap (which holds the upper and lower together) so that it will slide down your new longer tube and hold the two halves together like it's supposed to.
Alternatively, you can have a new cap constructed, it has very simple angles; the only important one being the 45-degree interior angle to hold the receiver together. *Egunparts was out of new ones last time I checked.

Third. You need to find a way to press the newly constructed magazine cap against the receiver halves. On my magazine tube there is a +/- .10 thick or 1/16" thick band which my gunsmith made and placed at the right spot to provide pressure once the tube was screwed in.
Alternatively, you can weld/solder/magic the above newly constructed magazine cap to the tube at the proper location (previously determined and measured by you). Now it will be a permanent part of the tube, never to be lost and ready to do it's holdie-thingie job at any time.

I recommend using the stock, aluminum screw-plug from the M10 on the new magazine tube. All you need to do is blacken it and it's ready to go. Do not let your gunsmith manufacture a tube without 2 holes placed at the end like the original has, those two holes are Very Handy to place a cleaning rod through and use for removing the tube.