Hi-point 995ts carbine


New member
I just got a HI-POINT CARBINE 9 MM and took it out and shot about 100 rounds and had not one thing go wrong. The only thing is that it is a little heavy, its not plastic. For the price its seems to be a good shooter. Has any one else had good or bad encounters with this gun?


New member
My dad has the model in .45 and it's been 100% reliable.

It IS heavy and has a surprising amount of kick for a PCC. Probably won't be winning any beauty contests either. :D


New member
have the 9MM version as well and never had any issues with it. Was a total impulse buy from a LGS going out of business so price was too good to take a flyer on.

Fun little gun. The only thing that kind of bugs me is the single stack magazines but not a biggie.


New member
I have the older 995. Put it in an ATI stock, and it equals my buddy's Beretta in every way.......except mag capacity. Great cheap range toys.


New member
I like mine, despite the fact that it's,,,

I like mine a lot,,,
Despite the fact that it's,,,
  • Butt ugly
  • A pain to clean
  • Limited mag capacity

I have friends with Beretta, Kel-Tec, and M1 Carbine (9mm),,,
The 995TS holds it's own against any of th0se rifles.

Well worth the money in my opinion.




New member
I have the older 995. Put it in an ATI stock
Same here, The "planet of the apes" gun as they sometimes call it.

I also put an ATI on mine and it's very sturdy but damn is that stock heavy.

Mine has ran flawlessly with very little cleaning.

Only bad thing to say about it is my receiver had the crappiest finish I've ever seen on a firearm, it looked like someone hit it with a spray can and poorly at that.

I ended up spraying it flat black with krylon.. looks 10x better now.

The capacity blows.. other then that I recommend it.. lot of fun to shoot.


New member
I helped a friend out who needed some money some years back and bought his 40cal model with a TruGlo 2X red dot mounted on it. I cut off the moulded in buttstock and mounted a rubber buttstock because women complained that it had a bit of a sharp recoil with my full power 165grn 40 handloads. It's surprisingly reliable and decently accurate out to 100yds even though it's got a terrible trigger.

Do I shoot it? No, however, with dozens of real rifles to choose from, including M1 Carbines, Mini-14, ARs, and levergun carbines, I don't feel any desire to shoot a 40 carbine. If I did, and acknowledging that it's truly so ugly it's almost decent looking, I'd have no issue shooting it (If I could pry it out of my son's hands [who lets his friends use it if they don't have a rifle].)



New member
I have the .45 cap version and it is super imo. Yes it is ugly but it is reliable, inexpensive, and has probably the best warranty in the industry. I don't recall ever having a failure with it.


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These have piqued my interest for a long time and it is encouraging to see positive feedback from real owners. Quite viable for home defense given the round and the price is amazing. I wonder if Cerakote on it would be like putting lipstick on a pig...


New member
These have piqued my interest for a long time and it is encouraging to see positive feedback from real owners. Quite viable for home defense given the round and the price is amazing. I wonder if Cerakote on it would be like putting lipstick on a pig...

Get one, As long as you can handle the low capacity you won't be disappointed.. risk level is pretty low given it's price.

Iowa gun has the 9mm w/TS stock for $234 W/free ship


New member
I picked one up a couple years ago. I've probably only put 250 (flawless) rounds through it, mostly because it sucked to keep reloading those 10 rounders! I finally broke down and ordered some of those red ball 20 round mags, got them in last week but still haven't had time to try them out.

Someone else mentioned the recoil, and I've noticed the same thing. It kicks a surprising amount for a heavy 9mm carbine! My .357 lever action has a lot less recoil and happens to be lighter as well. I've always wondered if it had something to do with that goofy spring stock pad, because recoil and 9mm aren't 2 words I'd typically put in the same sentence!


New member
What stock do you have on your's? Mine predates the TS models.. I think they also added last round hold open, mine is to old and lacks that..

I put a ATI stock on mine which is glass reinforced nylon, looks like a poor mans Beretta storm.. The stock probably weights more then the gun and damn is it tough.. Feels like shooting a 22lr less kick then a burping baby

But boy would it be the last pick on the way out the door if I ever had to grab'n'go due to weight.


New member
Mine's the TS. I've looked at the ATS stock but all the talk about it being heavy keeps me away from it. Plus it takes some modification to get mine to fit.


New member
Love my 995TS

My 995TS is a great carbine for fun. The only time it almost had issues is when I used "Range Reload" 9mm rounds at my local indoor range and had not oiled the action. It still ran flawlessly but the action was quite noisy and slow with the underpowered range ammo. With factory ammo it runs flawlessly. No problem, just remember to clean and oil the gun occasionally!

As I live in California, the 10 round magazines are the maximum we are allowed so no issues with capacity. Also, the magazines work in my Hi-Point 9C handgun so I only need one set of magazines for both guns; BONUS!

Whenever I take it to the range it always attracts attention! Then when they realize it is a Hi-Point, they are dumbstruck that it works so well! :D

I do have once serious problem with it. It is now considered an assault weapon and must be registered in California and must retain the bullet button. That sucks big time! :mad:


New member
It fits the definition of all Hi-Points in that it is ugly, heavy, cheap, accurate and reliable.
What you see is what you get and that's not a bad thing.


New member

I have two a 9mm and a 45 acp.The 9mm is older with the old style stock.It is very accurate and has never had a problem.The 45 I have only fired a few times and haven't been very impressed with it.


New member
I've got one in 40 cal and it has been flawless for the year I've owned it. Heavy but accurate and reliable and you can't beat the warranty.
Ditto on the raw status but I'm putting on a kydex fin to avoid the registration hassle.


New member
Had the 9MM for about 6 years. I was amazed at how accurate and reliable it was. It was the workingman's MP5, IMHO. At 100 yds if my POA was at the waist line my POI would be center chest. Only reason i sold it was it was so hard to get it clean the way i like my firearms. Also the old lady was singing the old "you got to many guns" song to me.:cool:;):)


My friend had one. It was fun shooting, accurate but a little heavy for my tastes. I opted to go for a Kel-Tec Sub 2000. Funnest gun I have to shoot.


New member
Buy High Point and keep Ohioians working! :)

They are the gun so many love to bash as crude and cheap. My brother has one in .40 S&W and that little rifle always works and anytime there is a group shoot on his buddy's property everyone tells him not to forget that rifle. Everyone just has a good time shooting that rifle and the thing just shoots and shoots problem free. I like that in a rifle.
