Hey, properly lubing the AR works!


New member
Who woulda thunk it? :rolleyes:

Well, unbeknownst to the unit armorers, I've been cooking up an experiment that will finally answer whether or not the M4 is reliable. Unfortunately, there is an arms room inspection next week, so I had to end it today, but I made sure to take pictures. Anyways, I haven't cleaned my M4 for over four months. Until today, I hadn't cleaned it since late January, and even that cleaning was not very good, so it still had some love from the Sandbox in it. When I needed to use it, I put two drops of CLP in the holes on the side of the bolt carrier and spread a little on the locking lugs on the bolt. Also smeared a little on the bearing surfaces of the bolt carrier today. March brought on our quarterly qualifications, about 116 rounds downrange, IIRC. April featured an advanced marksmanship course for four days, around 1500 rounds headed downrange. This month, another zero and qualification, but today I just kept going back onto the range instead of doing my usual two qualification rounds and leaving. So, 156 rounds downrange this week. So here's my M4 after somewhere between 1700 and 1800 rounds.


The white dust all over the bottom of the front sight base is from shooting off of the sandbag today.


Here's a good look inside the chamber and locking lugs. Filthy, wouldn't you say?


Here's the outside of the bolt carrier. You can see the gas rings through the holes that I added the lube through. Pretty nasty with the heat and the gas blowing oil all over the place inside that upper receiver.


And here is the bolt carrier as seen from the top. You can see brass shavings from the extractor all over the bolt and bolt carrier.

A few details about my M4 are in order. Obviously, it is a Colt, since they have the sole-source contract for M4s bought for the military. While most M4s in my unit's arms room are in the W253XXX range of serial numbers, mine is W031XXX. It has been in the unit longer than I have, and I've been here for over nine years. I believe the first time I saw it, my LT was carrying it in Bosnia back in 1999. It looked a little on the old side back then. The rails were added in late March of this year. While cleaning it today, I had to remove the hammer, trigger, and automatic sear to clean out a foreign substance from the trigger area. Actually, that foreign substance was a Rockstar energy drink that a gunner spilled all over me when the driver caught him off guard with a tight turn back last year. I never found any cleaner in Iraq that would flush out the sticky gunk it had left behind.

With so little love from the guy who was issued this rifle, it must be a jam-o-matic, right? It is an AR, so it must have choked regularly, right? Wrong. Never jammed except when fed spent cases during malfunction drills at the advanced marksmanship course. Immediate action fixed that. On live ammo, perfect. No FTFs, FTEs, FTRBs, or double feeds. As some of you may know from a previous thread, I am very picky when it comes to properly functioning magazines. Well, I used my magazines during the course, but during quals I was stuck with whatever mags the ammo handlers gave me. Still, no jams. All ammo used since I returned was M855 ammo. In Iraq, I used some Mk262 Mod 0 that I had scrounged up.

Feel free to ask any questions. I can't get any more pictures of particular areas of the rifle since it has now been cleaned, so they wouldn't show how mucked up it was.


New member
Ah, just the kind of post that makes this electric tribe worth being in. Thank you.
Dirt, sand and whatnot just mean more moving parts in the mechanism, no? More parts, more oil.
Try hot soapy water on the food in the gun.
Good Luck and may God hold you in the palm of His hand where ever you go.


New member

...but even if true its still just a poodle shooter that wouldnt harm a fly.a real caliber will drop a man just by the force of passing by him...a real rifle gives the shooter a bigger swell in his pants...like the one i carry/carried(see my swell?).


New member
So did you ever try any of that Gunzilla bore cleaner? they claim it is popular with troops since it has no odor and does not soak into your hands or make them dry out. I have used it on my guns alot lately but obviously not under severe conditions. The sand don't blow much in Ohio. And I don't shoot in SH-- weather.


IZ, sorry, I dont believe you, there are too many anonymous couch commandoes who say different, especially when M4 contract time or new potential aquisitions come up.

WildsoontobeinverdunAlaska ™


New member
Tom2 said:
So did you ever try any of that Gunzilla bore cleaner? they claim it is popular with troops since it has no odor and does not soak into your hands or make them dry out. I have used it on my guns alot lately but obviously not under severe conditions.
Never used it. On a good day, I don't have to buy my own CLP to use at work, let alone anything better. I used my own bottle of WeaponShield to clean it this time.
Wildalaska said:
IZ, sorry, I dont believe you, there are too many anonymous couch commandoes who say different, especially when M4 contract time or new potential aquisitions come up.
Funny thing happened to me today, I went to the range and some couch commando who was talking about how awesome the HK416 was while shooting a muzzleloader :)confused:) told me that we are about to switch over to the HK. Since I had just done a whole lot of research last night to comment on the M4 sand test thread, I destroyed all his "well, I heard" and "my buddy in Delta told me" comments. Good times were had by me. :D
Jermtheory said:
a real rifle gives the shooter a bigger swell in his pants...like the one i carry/carried(see my swell?).
I shot both my .308s today. Are you swellin'? I'm swellin'. :p


B. Lahey

New member
The energy drink is what did it, you have found the new super-lube perfectly suited to AR maintenance in desert conditions. CLP just isn't sticky enough.


New member
Are you swellin'? I'm swellin'.

unfortunately,i must rely on the swell God gave me...being a fan of "poodle shooters and .45's on stun" and all.

...although i do have a 30-30 and i have been looking at some "iron Enzyte".:D
That's been my experience all along.

Whenever I get a high round count or need to clean my AR15's but do not have the time, a little bit of CLP keeps it running smoothly.


New member
I believe you . I got a Bushmaster that had about 3000 rounds down the tube between cleanings. All I did was lube it with CLP. I do use my handloads almost exclusively, charged with 25.7 grains of H335 powder. I cant say it would have went that long with wolf or Lake city. It never failed to function, except when I used the Magazine for a rest while shooting offa tractor. Not a good thing to do by the way. 20 round mags are better for prone shooting. When I did clean it out with Barnes CR10 copper remover , a wonderful blue color crud ran out the barrel. I ended up scrubbing with Hoppes 9 and another dab of CLP. It is cool but the gun was shooting about 1.5 MOA at that point. Time for a cleaning when it wont shoot MOA.
Yes it is nasty here in west Texas. The dust and sand blows all over the place. There was sand, dirt, gravel, and pig blood in the guns internal workings. LUBe will keep it going. You AK nuts can bash Ars all you want. I cant hear you.


New member
armedtotheteeth said:
It never failed to function, except when I used the Magazine for a rest while shooting offa tractor. Not a good thing to do by the way.
Odd, I've been doing that for 12 years with no ill effects.


New member
ive always heard you shouldnt,but i still do occasionally(without issue).

all my mags have Ranger plates too though,i figured that may help...assuming any help would be needed.


New member
There's no problem using the AR mag as a monopod. In every carbine class I've taken, that was the recommended when you went prone.


New member
It can if you have bad magazines. The extra pressure of pushing up against the bottom of the bolt carrier with a magazine that already has spread feed lips can spread them farther and cause a double feed. Only use quality mags in good condition to do it.

Boris Bush


I got a bunch of Mk262 in the basement and it shoots like a dream!!! Anyway when I was over I used Militec with results exactly as advertised.

One thing I have noticed here (and other boards) is there are too many people that will not believe you. There are indeed alot of keyboard comandos. Sometimes 50+ year old people can not accept the fact that a 19 year old "kid" might have lived alot more than they have after a year or more at war. I am in my 30s and I see a huge difference in cherry 19 year olds as compared to combat vets of the same age....

Get used to the nay sayers. No matter what you may have done or experinced or whatever urban legends you have seen de-bunked, they will not believe you.

I have almost shot 2 people since I got back and I didn't even get an extra heart beat out of it after what I did in Iraq. I see no need to post it here because no matter what I was carrying or what I might have thought would have worked best, I never did anything. No real big deal to me.

Ignore the negative coments, and its good to see you made it back. I just lost another buddy a few days ago (first one since I got back last year) and it brought it all back to me......

Peace brother...


New member
I loathe gas impingment, but...
ATTT and IZ are correct.
Enough lube and the AR can keep on ticking.

I am witness to ATTT's Bushy, and can of spray.

ATTT and his lube reminds me of the girly movie my ex-SWMBO made me buy her befor she was an ex.
"Spray some Windex on it."
Only ATTT substitutes RemOil for the Windex.


New member
It is an AR, so it must have choked regularly, right? Wrong. Never jammed except when fed spent cases during malfunction drills at the advanced marksmanship course. Immediate action fixed that. On live ammo, perfect. No FTFs, FTEs, FTRBs, or double feeds.
For 5 of my 10 years, the USMC had me carrying a M16A1, and it always performed well. In Grenada, 10 days of salt air and dirt and sand, no cleaning or lube, and not one problem. Zero. Zilch. Pull the trigger and it worked. Dust and sand in Lebanon, no issues.

Sometimes 50+ year old people can not accept the fact that a 19 year old "kid" might have lived alot more than they have after a year or more at war. I am in my 30s and I see a huge difference in cherry 19 year olds as compared to combat vets of the same age
Like I told a former co-worker whose son was in Iraq at the time: "He is a different person now, you won't recognize him, he's changed. He had to."


New member
Maximus856 said:
Hey, you guys get to shoot off sandbags for qual? Not baggin' on ya, just curious.
First 20 rounds is off sandbags either prone or from a foxhole, depending on which range you're at. Most ranges have foxholes and you usually only find prone supported ranges in places where you have to shoot a scaled paper target range. Next ten are prone without support. Last ten rounds are from a kneeling position.