hey Oleg


New member
I can see where my "backyard report" post maybe does belong in lok'n load, but I have seen a lot of range reports in handguns, including one from yesterday (Steyr). I did a quick search for the words "range report" in handguns and got 51 hits, most recent, none of them apparently locked or moved. I want to stress that I'm not complaining. I'm a moderator on a non firearms board and its a thankless task. As such I take pains to post on what I think are the right boards. So is this a new policy implemented since yesterday or was there something in my post that made it different than the others?


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
If it were my call I'd leave your post be. However, we are trying to promote less busy forums and so, when I do see sm-th that belongs there, I move it. Personally, I wouldn't miss Range Reports and certainly think that Glocktalk's number of sub-forums is excessive.

Thanks for the heads up on the Steyr post...off to the Range with it :)

PS: Sorry if I bugged anyone. Wasn't my intention.

Oleg "peacemonger" Volk



New member

Thank you for your response. I can certainly understand spreading the posts out over more boards to reduce download time. I would like to make a suggestion. Perhaps the description of loknload could be changed to more prominently feature "range reports" or "gun reviews" or "firearm impressions". Just a thought, but when I first saw live fire excercises, I thought it was more for LEO's or the military. Dumb I know :)

I doubt many new people to the board got to lok'n load looking for pistol impressions. Could just be me though.....


New member

Doesn't bug me that you moved the Steyr report either, but I too moderate many other forums, and try to put my posts where they belong...

I suppose the "Lock and Load" area is the right place, just didn't really say much in the description, although maybe I read it wrong...

Anyways... No biggie...

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
The areas used to be called simple "Range Reports" and then we changed it to attract more posts :( Oops! Guess we better fx it back to the way it was.

I dislike moving posts myself, so I will take this up with Rich to maybe get the forum names figured out better.