Hey!.....HERE'S ....a handy little chart.


New member
I never heard the FORS part of that. Always had to sit down and draw a chart to remember what to do. Thanks for the tip.



New member
I pasted it in a Word doc and then edited out the guns I don't have, reduced the font, cut it out and TAPED it in my range box.

I always forget except on my High Standard which conveniently has the direction ON the sight.

You'd think ALL sight mfrs. could do that.



Moderator Emeritus
I never heard the FORS part of that. Always had to sit down and draw a chart to remember what to do. Thanks for the tip.


That is a handy little acronym to remember. Any time I tried to concentrate on it, I'd outthink myself and wind up having to do "air" sight adjustments with my fingers and an imaginary target. Now all I need to do is remember "FORS". :)

...or was it FSRO? I get so confused... :eek:
