Heston makes defeat of Gore his priority as NRA president


New member
Dallas Morning News
Sunday 21 May 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Heston makes defeat of Gore his priority as
NRA president

Group expected to elect actor to record third term


Associated Press

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Charlton Heston told more than 5,000 National
Rifle Association members Saturday that he wants to serve an
unprecedented third term as their president to complete a mission: ensuring
Al Gore's defeat in November.

"George Washington hung around until the Revolutionary War was won,"
he said. "Roosevelt hung around until the World War was won. Reagan
hung around until the Cold War was won. If you want, I'll hang around
until we win this one, too."

Mr. Heston said the nation's gun owners are at grave risk of losing their
right to bear arms if Mr. Gore wins the presidency.

He and other speakers accused the Clinton administration of plotting to
confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens, then ban them, beginning with
licensing and registration.

"If Gore is elected, the Second Amendment will face 16 cumulative years
of Clinton-Gore attacks," said Kayne Robinson, the NRA's first vice
president. "It cannot survive."

Mr. Heston said the NRA has done everything he has asked during his two
terms as president, including increasing its fund raising and membership.
"That leaves me with one mission undone - winning in November," he said.

His offer was greeted with a rousing ovation. He is expected to be
re-elected Monday.

As Mr. Heston concluded his speech, he was handed a vintage musket,
then gave an encore of his performance at his first NRA convention in
1990 in St. Louis, when he intoned the Second Amendment.

"So as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take our
freedom away, I want to say those words again for everyone within the
sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore."

Lifting the musket over his head, Mr. Heston grumbled: "From my cold
dead hands!"

Before Mr. Heston's speech, gun advocates marched through the streets of
downtown Charlotte to show solidarity.

About 400 marchers, many in T-shirts reading, "Guns Save Lives,"
followed a bagpiper about six blocks to the center where the NRA
convention is being conducted.

Marie Wieglib of Troutman, N.C., was pulling a wagon carrying her two
young sons and bearing a sign that read, "We're an NRA family."

"I'm doing it for them," she said, nodding to her sons Reid, 5, and Jess, 4.
"I'm saving their inheritance."

Mr. Heston and other speakers never mentioned Gov. George W. Bush,
the presumptive Republican nominee, but they repeatedly brought up Mr.
Gore and President Clinton.

Mr. Gore's campaign said Saturday that the presumptive Democratic
nominee would continue to push for stricter gun control. Mr. Gore has
criticized Mr. Bush for signing a bill allowing Texans to carry concealed

"George W. Bush and the NRA are working hip holster to hip holster to
promote an extremist agenda," said Gore campaign spokesman Chris
Lehane. "Al Gore will continue to fight for common-sense gun reform to
protect our families, and he'll fight against the NRA and George W. Bush's
extremist positions."

Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore support a mandatory trigger-lock requirement,
along with background checks for firearm purchases at gun shows and a
ban on imports of high-capacity ammunition clips.

Geez I hate it when they call 'em "clips."

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page


New member
I think Mr. Heston has his prioities straight. Do note that he is a former Democrat and that I still am. I can hardly imagine what the rock rib Republicans and Libertaians think of this adminitration in the deep recesses of thier minds. I think we will win this one.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Herodotus: Well, I can't speak for other Libertarians, but whenever *I* start thinking about this administration, I start thinking about things which I can't reveal on this board, 'cause I don't want to have a long conversation with the Secret Service. Then I remember that I'm married now, and try to think about something else before I do something rash.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm an atheist, I'd be sure Clinton was the anti-Christ...

Sic semper tyrannis!


New member
Well, there's the old saying about there being no atheists in foxholes. We're about to start digging them soon, so dust off your Bibles. ;)

I don't know how that "cold dead hands" statement played with the public, but I got a warm feeling when I saw the clip on the news.
(_That's_ what a "clip" is).

No Gore. No more.
