Heston in Missouri


New member
Heston Backs Concealed Weapons

ST. LOUIS (AP) -- A sea of concealed-weapons supporters turned out for a speech by Charlton Heston. The ``Ten Commandments'' star and president of the National Rifle Association came to St. Louis and Kansas City on Tuesday to support Proposition B on the April 6 ballot, which would allow concealed weapons. Hundreds of supporters, many wearing NRA caps and carrying ``Vote Yes'' placards, crammed into a hotel conference room to hear speeches by Heston and Wayne Lapierre, NRA executive vice president. Outside, protesters from Missourians Against Handgun Violence carried signs in a rally against the amendment. ``Opponents would have you believe the law would change Missouri into a Wild West shootout,'' Heston said. ``I've got advice for those critics: Leave deception to the Hollywood filmmakers.''

AP-NY-03-24-99 1454EST