Herters shell holder

condor bravo

New member
Does anyone know if there is a Herter's shell holder for the .303 Savage cartridge? It seems that no other cartridge uses the same shell holder.

F. Guffey

New member
Does anyone know if there is a Herter's shell holder for the .303 Savage cartridge? It seems that no other cartridge uses the same shell holder.

Does anyone? Yes, I have 45+ Herter shell holders, not a problem for me because I have the two ram Herter press. Now for the number. I have to go dig. I did not stamp the caliber on the top of my shell holders; but they are stamped.

The problem with stamping the top of shell holders is the Navies version of the 'glup'.

F. Guffey


New member
Herter's has it's own numbering system for shell holders.
At my office I have a 1968 catalog that has a complete run down , in the morning I will check which shell holder is correct for 303 Savage...any others ?


New member
Herter's catalog indicates the number 3 holder is for:

303 Savage , 303 British, 30-40 Krag, 405 Winchester.
And the following rimmed rounds , 7x57R , 8x57R, 9x57R, 6.5x52R , 6.5x53R and 9.3x72R.

The numbers are the same for either their snap-in or screw-in shell holders.
Hope this helps,


New member
Condor...I have a Herter's #3 press that I still use...cost me $13 in 1962...a great press but I got sick of trying to find the shell holders after Herter's went Tango Uniform. I have a conversion shell holder that allows use of RCBS type shell holders...gotta be more than the one I found in ?~1973. Another useful Herter's adapter is the one that allows Lyman 310 Tool dies with that narrow skinny thread to be used in today's 7/8"x14 die thread presses.

Just found this one, just like mine on EB...Rod


condor bravo

New member
Yes, right on, my first number 3 press was $13, then the somewhat improved number 3 later was $17 I believe. I have the rcbs adapter but only use it if necessary. Note above that gwpercle has a complete list and can provide a shell holder number. Then with a little luck it should be easy to find out in the net. These number 3 presses are quite popular and you can still buy them out there. Guffey has the dual ram press but the single gets the job done where other presses might have a difficult time with heavy operations. I just recently bought a Savage 99 in 303 Savage caliber, a rather odd sounding caliber that is similar to a .30-30. Trying to build up enough Savage 99s to call them a collection.


New member
Interesting how the Herter's #3 keeps popping up. That was my first press. I was just a teen ager when I got it, maybe 1956 or there abouts? Boy that thing has cranked out a lot of ammo and still as good as the day it was new. Ya, I think $13 sounds about right for its price back then.

If I can get this to work here is a pic:



New member
CH4D sells two adapters for Herter's presses. One adapter is for the slide in Herter's shell holders and the other is for the screw in Herter's shell holder. The adapters allow the use of any standard snap in shell holder.

They also make Universal press rams that replace the Herter's ram and these are set up for standard snap-in shell holders and eliminate the need of an adapter.

Herter's was pre internet days , a new catalog every year and snail mail order with a paper check for payment...sounds crude but for many it was the only place to get reloading, hunting and fishing gear...back then you could mail order a rifle or pistol and the postman brought it to your front door.
About 1/2 of my reloading gear came from them...and I'm still using all of it.
I miss the old mail order Herter's .

condor bravo

New member
Was looking into CH4D for the replacement Herter's ram for snap in shell holders but with no luck. The only ram seems to be 13/16" diameter. Have you actually seen it listed on the site?