Heritage .22 revolvers


New member
Anyone here have experience with these? They come with magnum cylinders too. Good? Bad? Worth it? Junk?



New member
dont own one but shot a few. they are worth the money, decent little guns. but a ruger single six would probably be last longer


New member
I have owned one for several years and I love it. For the money you can't go wrong. I have shot several bricks of shells through it with absolutely no problems. I mostly use mine for snakes with snake shot now. But a great cheap gun.


New member
these are all good opinions. dont listen to the ones your gonna get later that are going to bash it because of the price tag and lie about how they had one that fell apart after 100 rounds


New member
Great guns for the price, I used to sell about 4-5 of them a day at my last job, none of them ever came back with any problems or complaints.


New member
"these are all good opinions. dont listen to the ones your gonna get later that are going to bash it because of the price tag and lie about how they had one that fell apart after 100 rounds"



You get what you pay for, they're cheap guns. They've gone from pot metal to dubious grades of cast aluminum. The steels they use, chosen for their high level of machinability, some say should never be used in firearms' manufacture. Decent for a cheap plinker but if you want a good sixgun that will last a long time, it's worth saving up for a Single Six. Many times they can be found used for not much more than a new Heritage.


New member

I have about 1000 rds through mine and has performed without a single problem. Not the best accuracy but it was only 200 bucks. A great little truck gun and would recommend it without any reservations. I'd say its worth it.


New member
Not bad little gun. I bought one for a truck gun a few years ago. My friend saw it and wanted it to knock hoggs when the local Mexican imigrants came to buy and butcher. It shoots good and seems to be lasting. Since my friend talked me out of it he has quit the hog farming but still likes haveing it for yotees and varmits. I also have another friend with one who uses it as a ranch/truck iron. He says it is the best handgun he has cause it's with him and the rest are in the guncabnet. It is not a collector. It is a user!


New member
Problems in MN

I originally wanted to get one brand new, but I found out that MN does not allow them to be sold, due to the fact that they don't meet the "melt test." I found this very disappointing, as I need one to use and not collect dust. With Ruger being so far behind for orders, this was a tremendous blow. Wish I could get one here.