Here's something to ponder...


New member
Would there be any point in a .22LR Pepper Box Derringer with a selector switch to shoot one, or three, or six rounds at a time?

Have fun! :D :D :D

Sir William

New member
No. The BATFE would rule it a machine gun. The tax stamp would probably knock it out of a reasonable price point. I wouldn't EVEN consider one for a pocket revolver or BUG. No point.


New member
I'm sure they wouldn't like that very much either.. Give em a call, The ATF are the nicest people to talk to on the phone,.. I've called them up with some crazy/stupid questions and they were always happy to help me, they even mailed me some stuff, class 3 forms and a little booklet of the identification of a 3rd class weapon.. It was described as being able to shoot more than 1 bullet without.. well... not to sure about the specifics, but rule of thumb would be 1 bullet for every 1 pull of the trigger, or else start listening to that DMX song ATF


New member
Sometimes in big collections or museums, will see .22 rifles with 4, 5, 6 or more barrels all designed to fire at once....belive it or not, were designed for real long range geese.

BATF (the killjoys) done't like ahything that fires more than one bullet with one pull of a trigger, including multi-barrel weapons that fire more than one barrel at a pull. HAve been many broken double shotguns that did that by accidnet, but doing it by design is a no-no.


Makes me think of the gun episode of the Simpsons... Moe is up front of the group talking with a double-barrel shotgun and 4 pistols hanging off the front of it...

"And that's how you turn one gun, into 5 guns!":p


New member
So, the Liberator is a class III? I don't think so. Anyway you slice it, way too many laws.


New member
The Liberator is not a shotgun pistol, it is a single shot .45 ACP. You can own as many smooth bore pistols ( under 16 inch barrel) you want, as long as they can't shoot shotgun shells.