Here is what I want to learn....

Doc Hoy

New member
I view my shooting season as beginning with the first decent day of weather in February and ending when I can no longer stand the cold in November. This also allows me to avoid the intrusion I could create during hunting season.

This year I hope to develop e better strategy on two issues.

One is wads and the lube that works for me. I am thinking that my lube is too stiff for wads and I want to do some experimentation there.

The other is the issue of beeswax in lubes. This is an ongoing dialogue which never really results in a firm commitment in my mind. I want to use this year to get to the bottom of it.


New member
"None of your beeswax" allegedly first appears in the musical, No, No Nanette in the 1920's as a malapropism for the word "business". There are lots of other theories as to it's origin, however.

Now that you've learned that you can proceed to the rest of your beeswax curriculum. Isn't it just amazing the wonderful things you learn on these forums?


New member
Not offhand - I could look it up, though.

I have a long time friend whose father-in-law was a vaudeville performer and producer. No, No Nanette was one of his early gigs, and the beeswax line is one of many he used to quote. I looked it up years ago in the early days of Google (before Wilkipedia) as a test and was amazed it passed.


New member
Sheesh! After all that, I do need to weigh in again, just to say, "Go for it, Doc!" It does sound like a worthy exercise. I'm still new enough to BP shooting that I want to spend some time this summer chronographing and accuracy testing various loads in my Dragoons and ROAs.