Helping terrorist or being scammed

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New member
I know this isn't firearms related but it could be homeland security related. A person i work with was contacted by email with a money making opportunity. The person said that if he would cash money orders for him and then western union the money back to him he could keep 10% of it.what was odd was this person was in nigeria at first then he was in london.Said he was selling textiles over here. The first amount was for $2800.00 then he sent him $3000 yesterday. he gets them every other day by ups. This last time he recieved the money orders from london and sent it back there via western union.At first i thought he was cashing forged money orders and was going to be left holding the bag. He talked to the person on the phone and said he sounded middle eastern. Now i wonder if he isn't laundering money for terrorist. Or i'm i being paranoid.Would you contact the FBI or wait and see if he's being scammed


this is a well known con....

there is no free lunch...tell your friend to not get involved..or he will get ripped off.



The Nigerian Counterfeit Check Fraud:

Bankrupting thousands through online and offline Classifieds

Western Union - Wiring Money Into the Void

Wiring funds through the banking system

When you wire funds from your checking account to your cousin's checking account in Oshkosh, a paper trail is established. If your cousin calls you on Tuesday to find out where the money is that you wired last Thursday, your bank can track the path of the money through the banking system to see what went wrong. A record of transfer is generated each and every time the amount moves from one bank's ledger to the next. (See Wire Transfer Systems)

Wiring funds through Western Union

That's not the case at all when you use Western Union. The only record kept by Western Union is of your funds being transferred from one of their accounts to another. For instance, if you are in Los Angeles and you wire funds to somebody in London, all that Western Union can tell you is that the funds were picked up in London, and at which office.

Western Union takes your money and gives you a receipt. Your funds are then placed in the Los Angeles central Western Union account along with all the other monies they have received during the day from all over Los Angeles. Each transfer request is logged electronically such that your specific amount is then sent off to the central Western Union account in London.

Once the funds are in a central account, the actual money can be picked up at any office covered by that account. Just because you were told to wire money to such-and-such a fellow at such-and-such a Western Union office does not mean he'll actually pick it up there. He can pick it up at an office clear across the city.

Western Union can verify that the fellow who picked up the money carried the specified identification. They might even be able to tell you what he looked like. This doesn't really do you much good. His identification can be phony as the day is long. All you know when you wired the funds is what you were told. Once your guy walks out of that office, there is absolutely nothing to bring him back, unlike your cousin in Oshkosh who has an open bank account. There is no way to trace him. He's gone. And in the case of a scam, so is your money.

Please read Western Union's Consumer Fraud Awareness page.

Federal Counterfeit Check Law
The laws that affect you as the holder of a Nigerian Counterfeit Check
US Criminal Code, Title 18, Section 113

Sec. 472. - Uttering counterfeit obligations or securities

Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Sec. 473. - Dealing in counterfeit obligations or securities

Whoever buys, sells, exchanges, transfers, receives, or delivers any false, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, with the intent that the same be passed, published, or used as true and genuine, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Sec. 479. - Uttering counterfeit foreign obligations or securities

Whoever, within the United States, knowingly and with intent to defraud, utters, passes, or puts off, in payment or negotiation, any false, forged, or counterfeited bond, certificate, obligation, security, treasury note, bill, or promise to pay, mentioned in section 478 of this title, whether or not the same was made, altered, forged, or counterfeited within the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both


Sec. 480. - Possessing counterfeit foreign obligations or securities

Whoever, within the United States, knowingly and with intent to defraud, possesses or delivers any false, forged, or counterfeit bond, certificate, obligation, security, treasury note, bill, promise to pay, bank note, or bill issued by a bank or corporation of any foreign country, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Legal Information Institute (LLI): US Code Collection, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 25 - Counterfeiting and Forgery


New member
R-44, 459 is correct. I get 2 of these scams emailed to me every week. "They" send you an 'official' looking M O or cashiers check. You deposit the check. You now send them what they want......your money (M O or Check). Now the 'official' looking M O or cashiers check is found to be fake. You are now out the money you sent to them.


New member
I'm hoping he's being scammed instead of laundering money for terrorist i told the idiot he's being scammed he wouldn't listen. only found out about him talking to the guy and him having a middle eastern acsent after he sent him the $2800. then i started to wonder about the terrorist angle.


New member
It takes 4 to 6 weeks for the counterfeit to show up
At this rate by the time your friend discovers that he is being taken he will be into the bank for about 60 to $70,000
And they are going to want their money back

Clark Howard was talking about this and the Canadian cashier check scam last week


New member

i didn't say he was a friend i said a person i work with i try not to make friends with someone this stupid!:D as long as its just a scam i'm ok with it i'm not his keeper i tried and failed to talk him out of it. the worlds full of people that couldn't pour p*ss out of a boot without instructions on the heel. i don't like the idea of looking the other way if he is helping terrorist. Guess i'm going to have to wait and see.
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