

New member
I just bought an unissued Bulgarian Makarov. I have a question. Can I find out when my pistol was made by the serial number??? The number is KT 24 xxxx. I know that it was made in Bulgaria due to the "circle 10" mark on the frame. I just want to know when!!!!! I have posted this everywhere I can think of, including I have yet to get a response. I have even e-mailed Dr. Karl. Please help me!!!! Even the news that there is no way to find out would be helpfull, although I can't imagine that being the case.


New member
Alamo, His e-mail link is cold!!!!
No4mk1: Then what does the "KT" mean?? In Soviet pistols, the letters refer to a date code.
Anyway I might have solved the problem. I e-mailed the Bulgarian Embassy in Washington DC, and asked them for help in putting me in touch with someone who can answer my question.


New member

Please post what you find out. I also own a Bulgarian Mak and would greatly appreciate any information you uncover. Thanks.


New member
I received an e-mail from the Bulgarian Government today stating that they were sorry, but they could not handle that request. Back to square one I guess!!!:(

Update: I just had another flash of what may be brilliance.
I found the web site for the American University in Bulgaria. There, I found the e-mail address of one Dr. Serguey Ivanov, Professor of History. I sent him an e-mail asking him my question. We shall see!!!!

[Edited by denfoote on 03-16-2001 at 06:13 PM]