Help with pre model 10 part


New member
Hey guys,

I am trying to find a cylinder stop for my 1924 .38 special M&P pre-model 10. I ordered what I beleived to be the correct cylinder stop from Midway but when it arrived today it did not work so back it goes. I am a semi-auto guy so I am lost when it comes to revolvers. I picked this one up cheap and am going thru it so I can give it to my son as a gift. I checked Numrich but I'm not sure what part number to order IF they have the correct one at all. I'm not sure if another cylinder stop from a different model S&W will work so if anyone can help with this part I would be very grateful. Thanks.


New member
Can you do pictures of both the old one and the one you bought, for comparison?
Does your gun have the screw holding the stop spring in place, entering the frame from the front, just above the trigger guard?
The later ones have a different arrangement without the external screw.
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New member
Yes it does have the srew that holds the cylinder stop spring and rod in place. I checked the serial number and determined it's about a 1924-25 model. I called S&W and that is where I learned it is a Pre model 10 38 spcl M&P. It does not have any rear sight blade, only a groove on the top of the frame going over the cylinder. The front sight blade is a half moon shape. I found a schematic on Numrichs for a Military & Police 38 spcl that looks just like it. I'm hoping that is the correct one and they do have a cylinder stop in stock for that model.

James K

Member In Memoriam
The cylinder stops should be functionally the same; the old type spring and plunger makes installation a bit easier, but the parts work the same. I will second the request for pictures of the inside of the gun and both the parts.

Now if you have a very old M&P (c. 1900) the trigger and cylinder stop are different. Instead of the cylinder stop being operated by the front of the trigger, the trigger has a "finger" on the right side that engages a plunger on the side of the cylinder stop. Those parts are totally obsolete and I have no idea where they could be found or whether the gun can be modified to accept the later type parts.



New member
I reassembled the trigger and the "finger" on the front of the trigger will not engage the ledge on the cylinder stop. Also, there is a hole in the back of the cylinder stop where it appears the plunger is supposed to go but the plunger in this pistol is much too short. The picture of the cylinder stop on Numrichs website for the 38 spcl M&P does not appear to have the hole- I included it at the bottom. To make this whole thing more exciting I have lost the original cylinder stop. JUST GREAT!! :mad:


New member
Mebbe the new stop won't have the hole in it, and the plunger you have will then fit properly.
Assuming, of course, you don't lose it, too. :eek:
Ditto for the trigger fitting the new stop, also.
Could be the stop you now have is incorrect.
One way to find small lost parts is with a flashlight and a mechanics magnet, the kind on the end of a rod.
Happy fishing.

James K

Member In Memoriam
That stop is said to be correct for the Victory Model, so it should be OK for a 1924 M&P.

BUT, that part doesn't look like it came from S&W; it looks like a piece of rusty junk that came out of some unknown revolver.

Send it back.
