Help with model numbers for 19

1/2 cocked

New member
I see many different numbers for the model 19 ( 19-1, 19-4, 19-6 etc. etc.) Can someone please educate me on these numbers?
Many thanks in advance.
With any Smith & Wesson handgun, the -(n) is the design version number.

Over time, designs change, usually due to changes that are made to simplify manufacture, correct problems that crop up, etc.

A few times the numbers have meant a change in caliber or some other distinctive variation.

I'm on vacation (spending time with friends for the next couple of weeks) so I don't have access to my books. But I'm sure someone will give you a rundown on the numbers.


New member
No dash # = original design for that model.
Dash 1...1959, Change ejector rod from right to left hand thread.
Dash 2...1961, Cyl stop change, hole in fromt of trigger grard eliminated.
Dash 3...1967, Reloacation of rear sight leaf screw.
Dash 4...1977, Change from gas ring on yoke to cylinder.
Dash 5...1982, Eliminate cylinder counter bore and barrel pin.
Thanks to Roy Jinks.
