Help with Mauser bolt

Joe Portale

New member
I'm almost embarrased to ask this one. Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these things.

I bought a really nice Mauser LR action with bolt a couple of months ago. I finally decided to get cracking on starting to work on this in preparation of turning it into a 300 Win Mag or a nice target gun in 6.5X55 Swede.

The problem is that the bolt does not have a safety. So when I push the pin in and turn the cocking piece to get ao the internals of the bolt, the firing pin drops. The sear falls into the notch and it will not turn anymore. I have tried to pry the cocking piece up while turning and left a puddle of blood on the work bench for my efforts.

Does anyone have a hunt on how to block the cocking piece from dropping for dissassembly?


PS. I have already tried to slip a safety in. It will not go in without disassembly.


New member
What about slipping a copper penny behind the cocking piece?

Isn't that the old trick?

I've made a loop of wire and put it over the sear and pulled back the cocking piece and inserted the coin before... very little blood involved...

Keep us posted.

James K

Member In Memoriam
With the bolt out of the rifle, grip the bottom of the cocking piece in a vise and pull the bolt forward, then use the penny. (This works with the Remington 721/722/700 also.)

Or place the bottom of the cocking piece on the edge of the bench and press the bolt down and same deal with the penny.
