Help with 870 Wingmaster price, please...


What should I pay for a late-70's production 12-ga. Wingmaster in 98-99% NRA-condition?

Beautiful blue job and absolutely exquisite walnut furniture on this gun.

Thanks in advance for your help...

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
MBG, $300-400. Lots of factors here, and I'm assuming excellent condition, vent rib, no kitchen table mods, etc.

Sounds like a good'un....


New member
In Va and NY that'd be about right too. I think it's about the same in any part of the 48 states. 870 is pretty universal, price-wise.


New member
$350 to $400 if it has vent rib barrel and interchangeable chokes. I bought one for $375 and have seen several others at that price in my area.

Geoff Ross