Help! Webby Awards Coming Up!


New member
I need your help - Hi everyone. I would like to point out that votes are being taken for the 2001 Webby Awards right now. I have looked over the leading ACTIVISM votes and it is sad.

Voting continues through July 4, 2001, so you've got plenty of time to get in there and write in Geeks With Guns!

You will need to register to vote, and after you get your password via. email, go in there and vote under Activism... at the very bottom you will find a spot for a write-in.
Title: Geeks With Guns

Thanks for your help. Don't let liberal groups like PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) win this year!


New member
Yo, Wil, I tossed a vote in for ya!
(Most of my others were write-ins as well. How could The Misanthropic B*tch not be posted as best personal site?)


New member
Yeah, Misanthropic is cool! :) I love the search engine phrases that draws people to her site... ("slap my bitch" and other colorful phrases).

Thanx for the Vote!


New member
Got another vote in there for you. After all, you were kind enough to post the e-mail I had sent you (I knew I shouldn't have used my real name.... :D ). Keep up the good work.


New member
Thumbtack said:

I tired to vote but the site would not except my vote.

Thanx Thumb...
Problem might be that after filling out the write in info, there is a little dot you need to fill in on the right THEN click the vote button.

Thanx again!



New member

I voted 2x too. I am starting out pretty late, but I believe I can beat the 200+ votes that the PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) is getting if we all work on it!

Thank you!