HELP WANTED:poster ideas


New member
Okey dokey - so the VPC is thinking about hiring the lawyers who won the lawsuit against Valor to try to sue the distributors/suppliers of the rifle used in the Sniper shootings And I can only imagine who's next - the manufacturer....Bushmaster.

from the thread here:

We've got a handy photographer here, a "non-stereotypical gunowner model", lots of other available models of various description, a couple "evil black rifles" for props, the internet, and over 17,000 TFLers.

What are we going to do?

My idea is to go on the virtual warpath and spread the Word around that it's not the rifle, it's the user of the rifle. Personal responsibilty - it's the user, not the tool.

It's up to *us* to spread the word and help change public opinion. Why public opinion? Because there's going to be 12 members of the public in the jury stand.

Poster ideas, folks. I need posters to post all over the web and beyond. Spread them around - not just to post here on TFL to preach to the choir.

Keep the text short, concise and snappy. Remember the people we are trying to convince aren't hard core gun owners like us.

ideas: "Responsible gun owners agree - blame the shooter, not the weapon."

If they want to blame the distributors/suppliers of misused products, where can that take future lawsuits - ones that don't even involve gun manufacturers?

How about producing a poster showing a man clubbing himself in the thumb with a hammer and saying, "I'm going to sue (the hammer manufacturer) for my injury." It shows how ridiculous it is to sue a manufacturer/distributor/supplier for an individual's misuse of a product. And than tie it in to the gun thing.



New member
I'm not great with wording at times, but maybe someone can improve on this.

"A weapon is only as dangerous as the mind of the person who wields it."

There goes my .02 cents, now I'm broke again for the day. Thanks Runt! ;)


New member
Umm...something with a Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall pic and a caption like..

"Lets Sue Colt for Vietnam".


"It was their fault, wasn't it?"

Good Shooting

Greg L

New member
Maybe a picture of the plane hitting one of the two towers and the caption "Did anyone sue Boeing over 9/11?" (although given the slime sucking lawyers out there they might have been, check first). Below that have a picture of the pistol used in FL and a caption along the lines of "X (I can't remember the brand) lost a court case because somebody else misused their product."

Or "Bushmaster might get sued because some nut used one in the trunk of a GM product. Using that logic shouldn't GM be held liable too?" Of course that one may give the above mentioned SSL (scum sucking lawyers) an idea (not that I doubt that they haven't already considered it).


Sam Adams

New member
You need a two-part image. The top half will portray some deaths caused by someone using something besides a gun, and a caption. Put the date and location of the event and the number of people killed/murdered in bold. The bottom part will feature Johnny Sniper and a comment about whether Bushmaster is responsible. Suggestions:

How about downloading a photo from the Happy Land Social Club massacre of 1991 or 1992. Over 90 people were murdered by some slimebag that was p.o.'d at his girlfriend leaving him. So, naturally, the proper reaction was to get a gallon of gasoline and burn the place down (one entrance/exit - that's why everyone died). Caption the picture as follows: 90 people were murdered by a nut with a gallon of gasoline. Is Exxon responsible?

Alternatively, get a photo of a really grisly DWI-caused accident that killed a whole family. Caption: Some irresponsible drunk killed a whole family using a [name of car]. Is [name of manufacturer] responsible?

Compare and contrast either or both images with Johnny Sniper and Bushmaster and the caption: If not, then why is Bushmaster responsible for Johnny Sniper's crimes?

It would be really great if you could get a photo from an event close in time and effect to the "sniper" murders - that way the contrast is really stark.


New member
Comparitive pics and captions.

Small child sitting , grape juice stains down the front of pajamas-
"but mommy its Welches fault..."
or" Blaming Bushmater is like blaming Welches"

Again using a child: park setting, scoop of ice cream on ground, upset kid, blaming the cone mfg.

Asphyxiatied child or pet left in vehicle during hot summer heat,
Adult whom left child/pet sues vehicle mfg. Not their fault, child /pet hinders shopping.

Elderly Couple celebrating a Golden Anniversary, in the view is the husband as a young serviceman, the Mrs.- " thanks Colt for keeping my man we could have today".

Arsonist being arrested, handcuffed, burnt structure in background, foreground is Diamond brand matches, Exxon label on gas can:
"Blaming Bushmaster is like blaming Diamond or Exxon"


New member
This moron was not a sniper.

He is what's refered to in old west vernaculare a "bushwhacker". A low sneaking coward.

That's the premise on which any poster should be based.



Sue VPC for federal civil rights violation - fed courts have original jurisdiction, it's a short hop to the U.S. SC, and it'll tie up their lawyers.


New member
I wanted to say something like a poster which has a man holding a hammer saying "Would we sue Stanley Power Tools if a man was killed with a Hammer? It's not the tool, it's the man that's responsible."

The other ones that would be a "shock" poster would be:

1) Man burning at the stake, KKK all around "Do we sue the lumbermill for supplying the wood, or do we blame the men behind the hoods? It's not the tools, it's the men who use them."

2) Along the same lines. A picture of a man hanging dead from a tree. "Do we blame the rope company, or the men who did the hanging? It's not the tool, it's the men who use them."

as the song goes, "I smell lawsuit, smell it in the air..."


New member
"Evil rifles don't misuse people - evil people misuse rifles."

Opposing pics of the DC sniper and ...a teenage winner of a high power match maybe?


How about a pic of someone cutting themselves with a knife (accidentally of course, like in the kitchen). Then a question, should the knife maker be held liable for an unsafe product when it performed exactly as advertised?

Then second pic, same knife held by punk in alley at throat of victim. Question, "Why should your answer be different in this case?"

Not so good. It requires too much non-sheepish thought. Would give the bradyites a headache.


New member
"Blaming Bushmaster is like blaming Diamond

I think re1973 is on the right track. Guns and fire both make powerful, emotion-stirring images. Used together, they can make a powerful metaphor, as this newspaper account printed several years ago demonstrates:

"In its unanimous decision Friday, the Ohio First District Court of Appeals likened the city suit against gun makers to the absurdity of suing the makers of matches because of losses from arson."

On a poster, this theme might be executed with two images, one on top of the other. In the foreground of the first one might be a prone sniper aiming at his target, with a large image of an assault rifle in the background. The second image might show an arsonist setting fire to some property in the foreground, with a large image of a freshly-lit match head in the background.

Accompanying text might read: (superimposed over first image) Blaming gun manufacturers for firearms deaths...(superimposed over second image) is like suing match manufacturers for arson."


New member
Perhaps something with just a gun on an empty background, casting a shadow to look "dramatic" with some sort of phrase pointing out that without a person, the gun can do no harm.


New member
How about a pic similar to the "execution" pic from Viet Nam, but this time its a a boy in a suit holding a briefcase (getting shot) with a little sign hanging around his neck that simply says "Lawyers", and the caption reads...."Problem Solved". This would work well with politicians too. :)


New member
Something along the lines of...
'it wasn't the Bushmaster, it was the bushwhacker!' with appropriate visual cues.

'no one ever sued Kool-Aid for the deeds of Jim Jones.'

'there is no product liability for a defective consumer.'

'black guns are not responsible for black hearts are.'


New member
Guns caused this crime.

Just like matches cause arson.

Men cause rape.

And women cause prostitution.

Though I really like: if they can sue the maker for the shooter's victims, can men sue Budweiser for all the ugly chicks they've nailed?

Since most of the people pushing this garbage qualify as "ugly chicks," it hits close to home.

I wonder if I could get away with my obscene parody about guns, women, crime and prostitution? Moderator? May I?