Help w/ballistics chart


New member
Can somebody in the know take a gander at this and tell me if it is correct? I'm building a ballistics chart and am unsure if these are the proper # of clicks per inch of adjustment at different ranges. My scope is 1/4 moa per click.

Yds Clicks per inch
100 4
150 3
200 2
250 1.625
300 1.25
350 1.125
400 1
450 0.875
500 0.75
Looks right, but if your scope has clicks then the fractions of a click won't make any difference as you can only move 1 click at a time and not a partial click. So at 500 yds it would be impossible to move your scope .75 of a click. Unless you have a Leupold VX1 that does not have clicks, then you are stuck with moving 1 full click at a time and adjusting your hold left, right, up, or down if 1 full click does not put you on target.


New member
right, can't do partial clicks. I have a VX11 scope with 1/4 moa clicks and am installing target turrets that are marked in moa. I'm building a chart out to 500 yds for my .338 RUM and am doing it in moa, not clicks...rounding to the nearest click. For example, if my drop at 500 yds is 41", I rounded it to 31 clicks and rounded again to 7.75 moa. The data I have now is extrapilated from shooting through a chronograph at 100, 200 and 400 yds and inputting the info into a ballistics program. I'll take my initial chart to the range and test it/adjust it to real target data at every 100 yds. I just wanted to have somebody double check my understanding of moa at different ranges. Thanks.


Wouldn't it make more sense to look at it like this, one click at this many yds equals this amount of movement.

100yds= .25"
200yds= .50"
300yds= .75"