HELP - Tell me about the Colt Pocket Nine 9mm

I just saw and fell in love with this pistol in a local gunshop. It feels so much nicer than that damm Kahr P9. I mean it's a Colt and it is all metal other than the grips. I wanna buy it, but I don't know that much about it? Can I get Mags for the little beast? Please guys tell me about this wonderful little pistol that went out of production way too soon.


New member
The gun shop I go to has one too fell in love with it also!! But did not buy it they only made about 6000 and it is nearly impossible to buy mags for it! So I did not get it and they were asking 575.00 anyway too much for that little thing!!


New member
Yes was a tough decision seeing I really dont like plastic that much I bought a Kimber Pro Carry SLE. :) I said what the H&*l.


The Colt Pocket Nine was a great idea, a great design but unfortunately, something went wrong from paper to actual gun. A majority of them had problems with them of one kind or another ... failure to feed, jams, trigger pull, accuracy, etc.

If you have a reliable one, then it is well worth the $600.oo!

If Colt stuck around and fixed the bugs with it, I definetely would have bought one as there are a number of things about it that I prefer over the Kahrs ... repeat striker capability, concealed but still exposed external hammer, heavier trigger pull, etc.

However, the Kahrs WORK while most of the Colt Poacket Nine's don't which is why I bought a Kahr MK9 instead of the Pocket Nine.

Just my view of things. FUD.

acp Mikey

New member
I have a Pocket Nine and it has been totally reliable. It only came with one mag and Colt would not sell any, but I came across some on and bought two more. I prefer my CCO, but when in shorts I can put the Pocket Nine and an extra mag in my pocket and be very secure (I have a pocket holster which also has space for spare mag - very cool!). The trigger pull is awful, but one gets used to it with dry fire and can easily hit a paper plate sized target at several yards rapid fire. More than good enough for the intended purpose. I replaced the rubber grips with wooden ones from Scott, McDougal (sp?). Big improvement! When money permits and winter comes so I can carry the CCO, I will have the front and backstrap checkered and put on Ashley Big Dot Express sights. I love this little gun and wish they were still made. I also would love to see one the same size in single action, like the 380s.


"... I love this little gun and wish they were still made ..."

I wish they still made then too! The one that I tried gave me a few jams out of a box of fifty and the reports that I read on it were less than favorable. I wish Colt was still around and making these because I think that it is the best DAO pistol DESIGN that I have seen to date.

acp Mikey

New member
M1911 - Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The Kahr may well be a better gun. I have handled many, but shot none, so have no experience. However, the Pocket Nine is much smaller and lighter and serves the same general purpose.
FUD - Sorry to hear you had problems. The only problems I had were with some reloaded ammo that was too long. I do know the little gun is ammo length sensitive. I have used other reloaded ammo with no problems and Federal 124 gr hollowpoint with absolutely 100% reliability fired both by myself and my wife. I guess I was lucky and am very happy I was!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
The Pocket Nine...
If you found one for sale - Buy it.
If anything it will be a collector peice soon enough - and in the mean time it can make a GREAT CCW package. A trip to a good gunsmith that has some experience with the pocket 9 will make that baby ROCK.
I want one. Bad. Only Gripe - its a 9... But it sure smokes .380!


M1911, the Pocket Nine is slightly longer (because of it's tang) than the MK9 -- I compared both of them side-by-side before buying the MK9. Looking back, I should have got the Colt and had a gunsmith fix it up for me as George said. Live and learn.

acp Mikey

New member
The Pocket Nine is thinner and lighter (17 oz, I think) than the MK9. I was drooling over the MK9 until I picked up the Pocket Nine and realized just how small and light it is. I have a pocket holster by PCS, I believe, and it holds both the gun and an extra magazine and still feels smaller in my short pockets (Dockers like pocket) then my Bodyguard. The Kahr has a MUCH better trigger though. I am a died in the wool 1911 cocked and locked fan and don't much care for DA or DAO, but I have adjusted to it with no problem. I guess because it is like a bad revolver trigger. HA! HA!