Help Quick!!!


New member
I put a deposit on a S&W 5946 last sunday and i don't know if I should let the $20 deposit go. i found this 5946 online and they were asking $375. I call. we meet. bla bla bla. I start to look at said 5946 it has $360 on the tag."well i guess i could do it for 360 thats fine". then i went to the truck for my id prices are fling around. (brought the girl and her son) they say (i wasnt there) and (why lie) when i was gone the seller says 20 down 300 on [SAT.] to them. Then 1-2 min. later i walk in we talk and i go to verfiy "ok so 20 now and 340 on SAT" yep.-- and why i don't know. i say ok (me my girl and the boy went to the range 2 weeks before[smiles from ear to ear] their first time.) and i couldn't find a ftf seller. so o boy!!! the 5 "working day" wait. (the boy is itchin to go BAD) "can we pick it up on friday night?" no saturday err THAT IS 6 DAYS (he's open on sun. works out of the house) :mad: ok see ya sat. when we are pulling away "why did you say 340? WHAT and thats when i found out pricing! so internet time! i found 3 webs that were selling 5946's $250-$325 the one i put the dep. on is a police trade.

let the $20 fly or not?

he said he has AR lowers also and i want one for future use. but the boy is up my ass to go to the range:D thank god.

SO MY GOOD FRIENDS PLEASE HELP!! i dont want to be a sucker for another weeks wait.

would you pay or wait the piece is + - fair cond. thanks, dave


New member
I'm not sure this is the right category for your topic... Proberbly should go in "Retail Deals & Feedback", but my take on what you're asking is, you'd be backing out of a deal you agreed to. Once you agree to a deal, you should stick to it.

Next time, do your research on prices BEFOREHAND!

You're really NOT looking at saving very much by buying on-line, when you figure in shipping and an FFL fee.

Just go through with the deal you agreed to and support your local dealer! When your gun appreciates in value over a period of years (if well taken care of), you'll be ahead in the long run, and by then, you won't even remember what you paid for the gun! :D


New member
right on red

right on that's my what daddy always said. and i don't want to back out. but don't want to be burned for $100 +. 2 lgs said"" NO MORE THAN $300"" AND 1 IS A A-HOLE! i would not buy a used casing form him!!! but as for his honesty? this is why i need help. and i am willing to buy the AR lower instead of the 9.

C Philip

New member
Well, that's certainly a very unique and complicated way of asking what I think boils down to "Is $340 a good price for a S&W 5946?" The short answer in my opinion is yes. Even if you find one online for $275 or so you still have to factor in shipping costs and FFL transfer fees which will bring the price up a bit. Furthermore, when buying online you don't get to actually handle the gun prior to your purchase, forcing you to pay return shipping if you are not satisfied with it. If I understand correctly, you are also frustrated over the wait time, but if you but it online you'll also have to wait for it to ship. I would say go for the $340 one that you have actually handled. Potentially going through some extra hassle from buying online isn't worth saving $20 or so.

PS - Just to let you know, the mods may not take kindly to any harsh language. You might want to edit your posts a bit to avoid having your time here cut short.


New member
I think he just got a bit excited and short-breathed (in a typing kind of way) that he didn't take time to fully express his thoughts.

C Phillip's response sums it up, I believe. I knew he was asking that, but I have no idea about these rifles or their prices. I just thought the presentation of the original post was pretty a brotherly...gun owner-type way. :p

hot sauce

New member
A little high for a 5946 imo (in my opinion). Does it have night sight's? If so do they still glow? How many mags come with it? If I were in the market for one I'd check gunbroker first.

This one list for $269.00 and has a buy it now price of $299.00. Is the one you are looking at in better or worse condition than that one? Parts are easy to find for these btw (by the way).

Either way you can get it bead blasted by a gun smith and it will look brand new. And no, I am not the seller of this S&W on gunbroker.

C Philip

New member
This one list for $269.00 and has a buy it now price of $299.00.
$299.00 + $35 shipping + FFL transfer fee = More than the gun he is looking at, and he doesn't get to handle it before buying. If the condition is far better then that's one thing, but otherwise no. When quoting a price online you have to remember to factor in the extra fees, but gunbroker is a good site to check for prices.


New member
Why don't you try mentioning to the dealer that you were told of the lower price.His reaction will tell you all you need to know about his honesty.Take the kids with you,and don't do it in a confrontational manner,and you may get the $40 knocked off right there.

But as Redstick said,go through with it no matter what his answer,as you said,you want to buy more from him down the road,don't burn the bridge...


New member
I cupped the sights with my hands and no glow. he said the sights last 10 yrs 5 yrs of "half life half dim? and stay that way. he said if it was "totally dark they would be bright like a closet. i'm NOT going in a closet w/a dude. I read a s&w page says 5 year total life so :confused: ugg still willing to post your pics t.p.


New member
well kick

'edit' sorry kirk not kick

first the deal is not done. so I would NEVER bash someone without a final outcome first and foremost. second the deal was not made on this site.

and if i was to give their name, I WOULD SEND THEM ALL POSTS as they were sent. And only after I have tried to reconciled OUR situation first. I'm still thinking and trying to work it out. I'm just asking for advice. thats all.

Do on to others as you would want done to yourself. (I live by this motto!!)Thanks Mom.
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44 AMP

How ethical are you? How ethical is the dealer?

Notice I did not say honest. You made a tenative deal. NO final sale until you fill out the paperwork. Now, in good faith, you accepted the deal he offered you. So, unless you have some good reason to back out, you should go through with it. Saving a little bit of cash is not a good reason to back out, once you have made a deal. It is a matter of ethics. What is your word worth? And even if he doesn't keep his word, you still should, this once. After that, don't do business with him.

Some dealers are jerks. It happens. They are out to make money, and don't care about how the customer feels. Others are good guys, who like guns, care about the customer, and want to make a little money along the way. A smart dealer will care about the customer, because he knows you will be back, if you feel well treated.

If the guy you are dealing with isn't a jerk, don't you be one. Gun dealers see lots of jerks, one reason they may become one themselves. Getting a good deal is nice, but being a jerk to get the absolute bottom price may not be worth it in the long run.

44 AMP

You are welcome

Need something else, just ask. Odds are someone around here will be glad to tell you where to go!:D


New member
Online Gun auctions are a real crapshoot. I bought a Llama that looked great in the photo, when I got it home and took it apart I came to the conclusion that someone handed a Llama to a pakistani gunmaker and said "Make me 10 of these". Unbelievably crude and lockup was unsafe.
The Mustang Plus II I bought looked great in the photo, but had lots of evidence of home gunsmithing when I got it, plus the hammer followed the slide down. The disconnector was broken. What do you do? Send it back? $$$$ down the drain! The last one was a Star model S .380 that looked great, the firing pin was broken. I have to make another one since no one has them.
Good thing I happen to have a commercial machine shop, but that pin is going to cost me $75 worth of shop time. The very last gun I bought was at Sprague's Sporting goods in Yuma, I got to look it over, drooling. It is also a Star S model, and I know what I bought. It seems to me that auctions are a great way for dealers to get rid of new production guns that don't look right, off center castings or poor machining or obvious blemishes that the maker suggests are "normal". I still look at the auctions, but call me suspicious!


New member
Well I bought the 5946

I stuck to the deal. When we got there he started to give us the run-down (what we're getting) "here's the pistol and [2 mags]" wow hit the brakes. 2 mags you said 3 mags when we put the deposit down "well thats if you paid $375" but thats not what we agreed on. ok ok i'll get you the other mag. witch i'm sure he was thrilled about but, paid and have a nice day.

RANGE TIME!!! 200 rnds winchester white box (target/range) 115gr. ($14.97 per 100) good price? does anyone know where to get cheaper online or in so.fla? any help would be great!

first mag 15 ft out center ring 2" group.

150 rnds fliers!! is it just cheap ammo? I didn't clean at all till i got home of course;)

so with all said time to go get Smitty drity again:cool:

:D :D :D


New member
Well, I beat it in

I am going to speak from the flip side of the coin.

I know first hand what it is to have people back out on a deal.

In fact 2x on this forum people have entered into a deal with me on a gun and both times They have dropped the ball. No contact(or when there is, it's still "yeah i'll take it I'm just busy") So, I lose out on the opprutunity to move on other deals.

It's not that I'm really missing anything. Just inconvienienced.

So, It's a good thing that you did follow thru, otherwise people in my shoes may have been cussing ya.