HELP PLEASE ruger 10 22 bolt stickyness after reassemble


New member
hey guys just cleaned my ruger 1022 and am now very lost to why the bolt feels very sticky and gritty when i cycle the bolt? any ideas? it seems like it wont even operate right now but everything fit back into place just fine!!:mad::mad::mad: any suggestions will be greatly appreciated

Metal god

New member
What exactly do you mean ?

It's kinda hard to pull back at first like it's binding up a little at first


It's gritty and grinds-ish all the way back and forward


New member
it cycles fine untill halfway back then it takes more force than before to get it back all the way, it always got a little rougher there but never like this... this gun only has 500 rounds through it


New member
Clean again. When I had my gun shop I "repaired" many guns, usually .22s, with my favorite tool, spray carburetor cleaner. Make sure everything, inside and out, is clean, really clean. Then lube with a high quality product that won't gunk up.
BTW, using carb cleaner on a 10/22 you do run the risk of removing paint. Caution or a repaint is necessary.


New member
Once upon a time, I took my 10-22 compelete apart and used a friends chemistry lab to clean it. Some kind of solvent and an ultra sonic vibrator.

Boy, did those parts get clean. I watched carbon flake off of parts. It was kind of cool.

It was so clean that when I put it back together and worked the action, it felt and sounded like it had sand in it. So I took it apart again and thoroughly lubed everything that moved.

That solved my problem. Not sure about yours.


New member
it cycles fine untill halfway back then it takes more force than before to get it back all the way, it always got a little rougher there but never like this... this gun only has 500 rounds through it

Every stock 10/22 I've ever fired feels that way.