Help Please! My Buckmark is very sick!!!


New member
Well I did the Heggis flip and it didn't work. While reviewing the pics in the step by step, I noticed that mine looks different than his (behind the sear spring is just a simple slant, no ledge). So I switched it back, and it's even worse now!

So, now the hammer is stuck up. When I push it down manually, it pops right back up.

Ok, now are you ready for the really bad part? This thing has never been shot.

Now are you ready for the really really bad part? The reason it hasn't been shot is because it's my wife's birthday present! Which is on the 15th!

Please help.... I'm somewhat screwed.


New member
:eek: Sorry to hear that. I know it's not funny now, but when you look back on this in a few years, you'll probably find that it's actually pretty funny.

I know that's not much help. I have a Buck Mark but have not done the flip as I'm satisfied with my stock trigger. Did you post this problem on Rimfirecentral? If you don't get helpful replys here or there, then maybe you can go back to the gunstore for some help. Do you have a shop nearby that does work on guns? If all you did was the flip, then the problem can't be too bad. Something must be positioned incorrectly. I'm sure that someone will get you straightened out. Best of luck.


New member
Hope ya get it fixed. Otherwise, well.... Does your wife have any other guns? If so, it might be a good idea to hide them on her birthday. :eek:



New member
Yeah seriously. I'm going to drop it off with a local smithy, and hopefully they will sympathize and get it back to me quick.

I am really confused as to what went wrong here. It seems foolproof when everyone else does it. I guess it's just my bad luck. I bet money if it was actually my gun and I wouldn't be screwed if it messed up, everything would have gone smooth as butter.

I really wish I wouldn't have messed with it.


New member
Sounds like you don't have the legs of the spring centered right. :confused: Just take it out and try it again. I could not do the flip on my newest buckmark. :eek: A 2008 Model. The legs on the spring were shaped different. It worked ok on a 1995 Model I had. :D


New member

That is exactly the problem, or at least the origin of the problem.

The real issue came once I realized it wouldn't work and tried to put it back in the way it was to begin with. The long arm missed the v-notch and wedged in sideways. When I took it back out, the hammer wouldn't cock, the safety won't budge, the slide stop is ready to fall off, and the trigger is jiggly. I did a number on it.

I just wish in all of my research before doing this that I had come across the fact that I shouldn't have even bothered (being that mine is a 2009).

I decided not to touch again, since every time I have, it's only made things worse. I took it to the guys at my LGS, who got a good laugh out of this one, and they are going have it fixed by tomorrow. Problem solved.

Mods: My problem is fixed, but this thread could be helpful to people that would likely have the same issue as I did. Feel free to close if need be.