Help name the cause (CA RKBA drive) Please


New member
Everyone knows by now that the veto the govenrnor petition drive to put a RKBA constitutional amendment in the CA state constitution did not make it. We needed 670,000 sigs and got 579,000 this time. Well we are not going to give up. Some of the changes that will be made is, we are going to raise money to pay for sign gathering.

One of the problems we ran across is the name. People when they heard Veto the Govenor thought we were trying to oust our governor. (well we would like to also, but) So they plan on changing the name to better reflect what we are about and trying to do. They have asked for suggestions. As soon as I heard that, I said "We have some real creative folks over at the firing line, I'll put it past them and see what they can come up with".... Well I'm on the spot now folks... Please help me out here. I'm countin' on you.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

Jay Baker

New member
Given the fact that for all practical purposes, self defense has been outlawed in Kalif., other than for the elite and politicians, might you call it the:

"Right of Armed Self Defense Act." or,

"Armed Self Defense Initiative." ASDI.


[This message has been edited by Jay Baker (edited June 09, 2000).]


New member

Freedom Infringement Resistance Enterprise


Firearms Infringement Resistance Enterprise :D

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited June 09, 2000).]


I have done petitions for money so a peice of advice.Do not use firearms in the discription.A lot of people will sign a petition without knowing what it is about just from the name.THe better the name appeal the faster you can get signers.Self defense act meets all the tests for short and sweet.Do not use armed in it.It will cut down on signers

We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world;
and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men
every day who don't know anything and can't read.
-Mark Twain

Jeff Thomas

New member
I hate to look so uncreative ... but, I like 'Self Defense Act' as well. Most people finally get it when you frame the discussion in the context of self defense.

Government tyranny doesn't move 'em, and neither does hunting. People can identify with self defense.

Good luck. Regards from AZ