Help, my HK is jamming.


New member
Today at the range, my USP compact .45 failed to feed the last round of the box. When I got home I cleaned the gun and then loaded some mags to make sure everything was OK. I manually cycled the slide without problems, but on both mags the last round gets jammed and the slide doesn't go all the way forward. Any ideas on what causes this and how to fix it? The gun is relatively new and I have never had any problems before. All thoughts are appreciated.


New member
Clean the magazines and followers, then check the magazine springs for binding or fatigue.

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

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New member
I'll second that ^. Disassemble the mags and give them a good cleaning and oiling. Not too much lube though, just enough to make it smooth. Check the angle of the followers, as one of mine is inclined slightly more than the other and I'm kinda wondering if that's gonna cause any problems in the future.


New member
If its the last round it has to be the magazine! I would not worry about the gun since all the other rounds feed fine, although you might want to make sure the feeding ramp is nice and clean. Check the mag springs. You might want to buy some teflon spray and spray it inside the magazine itself to ease the friction inside the mag between the spring and the mag wall. If you have had these mags for awhile then I would consider replacing the springs. Good Luck! raven

Badger Arms

New member
If two magazines were used, I'd suspect the gun. I'd be inclined to think it is a break-in thing but you didn't tell me how long you had the gun. The slide has much less velocity when released by hand or from the slide release than it does when firing.

Many things could be at fault:
-Interference between the slide stop and the top cartridge in the magazine.
-Burr on the feed ramp.
-Ammunition incompatible with gun.
-Binding recoil spring or locking lugs keeping the slide from going into battery.

If the malfunction is merely the slide failing to go fully into battery, it's a break-in thing to be sure. Thoroughly clean the gun and then grease the recoil lug contact area (the area where the rear blocky part of the barrel contacts the slide). Use Tetra-Grease or a similar super-grease. Grease the slide rails where they contact the steel inserts on the frame. Grease the inserts also. Finally, grease the slide stop.

Fire the gun. Be sure to take two types of ammo with you. Try loading three rounds in the mag to see if you can duplicate the malfunction when firing the gun.

Break-in is a normal period of time where the gun must wear away high spots or irregularities on contact surfaces. On most guns, you can count on 200 rounds being reasonable. After this, many recommend shooting a further 10 boxes through the gun to make sure you will not have any malfunctions at all. I do this without cleaning the gun in a marathon afternoon session usually. If it doesn't jam here, you're set. Clean and lube it again and trust it with your life.

God made us in his own image.
Thomas Jefferson made us free.
John Browning made us equal.

Without Browning, we might not know about the other two...

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
It could be the ammo is less than ideal... but we are talking about consistant failure to feed of the very last round in the magazines.

My suggestion is the magazine springs needing changed.

These HK magsprings can fatigue... faster than I anticipated in my own USP 40.
It was working fine for me... but as soon as I sold it - the new owner and friend of mine started getting similar issues.
As a means of verification, suggest you allow another shooter to try the gun. Also concurrently try it with a different known brand of quality ammo. If it still jams, even with both brands (the more the better), then there is something definitely wrong with the gun. You've at least eliminated shooter error (limp wristing, weak grip) or bad ammo as the cause of the problem.


New member
I feed gravel through my USP and it fires them. I had a problem with my mags too-it was NOT the gun. I had some lip probs on one that I dropped. Hopefully just yer mags!@!@!@


New member
Sorry, I can't offer an explanation but I can tell you of my experience with the USPc.45. The exact same thing happened with mine when brand new,with both mags. It went away on it's own after two hundred rounds or so. I shoot Fiochi ball ammo or Corbon and Federal HP's exclusively now, and haven't had any problems. Could simply be a break- in issue.