Help me understand!


New member
Why do so many people feel that the best way to fight terrorism is to have large numbers of people (as in airplanes, at malls, at ball stadiums, etc.) completely disarmed and defenseless?


New member
what's the term for insanity they use in AA ?...

Oh yes, doing the same thing over & over expecting different results. You would think after 10,000,000 genocide victims this century alone they would see the light, yet they still clamour to try it yet one more time, of course this is amerika - why it can't happen here:rolleyes:


That's simple! Because "they" would rather feel comfortable being around their fellow victims as they are shot from the sky by our own F-16 fighters than have to worry about a few holes punched in the airframe or an innocent by stander hit by a stray round as a fellow passenger eliminates the threat of terrorism on their flight.

It's a comfort thing. :p