HELP me ID a rifle with no markings


New member
It is a 7mm rem mag. The only mark anywhere on the rifle is '7MM' on the barrel. The safety is on the left side, and moves about 90* from up (safe) to down. The bolt resembles a winchester pre '64. The bolt handle is flat underneath, and the bolt release is large, you pull the foreward end away from the rifle to use it. I can't think of any other features on it, but I'll check it later if no one knows. Thanks


Staff Alumnus
Sounds like a mauser to me. Century Arms rebarrelled a truckload of surplus chilean and turkish mausers into american calibers. Is it a 7mm mag, or a 7x57 European?

Have you taken the stock off to look underneath the action for proof marks etc?

James K

Member In Memoriam
Is the rifle in a sporting configuration? Many gunsmiths rebarrelled military rifles and with polishing and bluing left none of the original marks on visible surfaces.

Where on the left side is the safety? Is it on the side of the receiver, or on the bolt sleeve?

If the safety were on the right, I would think of a Model 1917 or a Pattern 1914 Enfield, or maybe a Mauser with an after-market trigger. But on the left???


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Well, that probably makes it a civilian Mauser-type critter. (The military Mausers' safeties could be flipped fully to the right, locking the bolt.) Can you measure the diameter of the receiver ring, where the barrel screws in? Its length? And the length/width of the receiver itself?

With all that, maybe Harley can help out in his forum.
