Help me guys


New member
I've come into possession of a POS starter pistol and I can't identify it.

The local track coach is looking for help getting this pistol running and I can't even identify it. It's a .22 caliber, blank-firing starter pistol. the cylinder does not swing out, it's pinned, and for the life of me, I can't figure how to get it out.

Damn gun shoots about half the time. I've been soaking it in Kroil and I"m going to try to get it running, but it would be a help if I could identify the darned thing.


I'm thinking about making some .38 caliber primer-only loads and loaning him my one of my pistols so he can start his next track meet, but it sure would be nice if I could get this POS to run.

Can anyone help me identify it?

Edit. More information. The barrel is plugged, with a hole drilled about 1/2 way down to let he pressure out. It's a 6-shot double action and it misfires pretty regularly. Double action pull is about 33 lbs, and I don't think those are the original grips. No markings except "Made in Germany" on the barrel.

I can understand the manufacturer not being willing to mark this pistol. I"m tempted to tie it to a rock and throw it in a convenient river. But, then I'd need to figure out a way to start a foot-race.

Any ideas?
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New member
It's probably an RG. I doubt seriously it was ever made to be taken apart or cleaned. They used to be sold in "army/navy" stores, and were more or less disaposable. I haven't seen one in thirty years or so.


New member
The cylinder pin unscrews IIRC. As far as making it fire, it can be done if you don't mind tinkering and don't need any parts. It's probably an RG or something similar and I regard them as disposable guns--won't work on them at any price. Goatwhiskers


New member
I would be very carefull about allowing anyone to use a handgun of mine as a starter pistol . If the trackmeet is at a school, very likely guns are prohibited on school property. Open carry to start a race may also be prohibited. Use caution.

"I'm thinking about making some .38 caliber primer-only loads and loaning him my one of my pistols..."



New member
It's a Burgo. Do yourself a favor and tie a five dollar bill to it before you throw it in a river. That way you can honestly say you threw something away.
Wait a second...

The Burgos were REAL guns!

Every true starter pistol I've ever seen has had a solid barrel -- not bored out.

If this thing has a bored out barrel, it's a real gun and that could pose a REAL problem.

Jim March

New member
It's an RG-family gun of some sort. The shape of the triggerguard and rear sight are dead giveaways.

It's juuuuunk!

I'd go with an electric buzzer of some sort if you want a reliable "start signal".


New member
Mike Irwin said:
"I'm thinking about making some .38 caliber primer-only loads and loaning him my one of my pistols..."


Why is that a really bad idea?


New member
Jim March said:
I'd go with an electric buzzer of some sort if you want a reliable "start signal".

That's a good idea, Jim, but the problem with that is I can't find one that meets the need. I've thought about it all weekend and I've just about come up with the conclusion that I need to invent something.

A proper start device for a track meet has two requirements. 1. A loud, sharp report, and 2) a visual flash. There are times when the timers are farther than a hundred yards from the starting line, so they need the visual flash to start the timers.

A pistol is perfect for the requirements, which is why we've used them for so long. However, track starting devices are either cheesy, cheap and unreliable (like the POS starting pistol we're discussing), or prohibitively expensive for a high school track team.

I'm still working this issue in my head, and if anyone can put me on the right track (pun intended), I'll be forever grateful.
"Why is that a really bad idea?"

The entire concept of live firearms at a school.

I have no clue what the current federal laws are regarding this, but in some states you can get into a world of hurt for taking handgun, even one for a benign use such as starting a track meet, onto school grounds.

There's simply no reason to risk it.

Also, if you were to make up some primer only loads, how would those provide the visual flash needed?

Most starter pistol rounds are loaded with black powder, which will give both a flash and a puff of smoke.

My suggestion?

Starter pistols are under $100 on the web, I've also found some for under $50.

Be a mensch and donate one.

Here's one at Lion Country Supply for under $25.


New member
Never could get that POS starter pistol to work correctly, so I had a grandson and friend's grandson standing around today. The boys were both 7 or 8 years old.

Handed them the pistol and told them to go throw it in the pond. They looked at me like I was daft, but they took it to the pond and gave it the heave. They didn't ask any questions, but I'm sure they're working it over in their minds. Legends will be built around the day the Old Man told them to go pitch that pistol.

They'll probably ask about it in their teens, and I'll have forgotten and tell them that I don't remember such a thing. That'll only increase the mystery. The friend's grandson took the box to store marbles. It's all together fitting and proper that he has a proper box to keep his marble collection.

I'm still on the lookout for a decent starter pistol for the local track team and when something comes available, I"ll get it and donate it to them.

Andy Taylor

New member
Throwing it in the river is the best idea.
Using a real revolver as a starter pistol could land your friend & you in jail, depending on where the race is taking place. The loss of that real revolver is really a best case scenerio.

Get one of those disposible air horns they sell at the dollar store. You know the ones kids use at pep rallys and such.