Help me find my dream girl


New member
Dear Abby,
I love the way my Ruger SR9c feels in my hands. All of our time at the range is quality time. No FTF, FTEs, not a lot of backtalk. A very sweet girl. I don't particularly mind the manual safety, as my last steady crush, a Makarov, had one.
But I would prefer the double no-think safeties of the other girl I'm dating, my XDS-9: grip safety and trigger safety. The XDS shoots well, but the grip doesn't fit me quite as well as that of the SR9c.

Is there a dream girl out there that combines the grip shape (swell out, extendo grip on magazines) of the SR9c and the grip/trigger safety of the XDS?

Yes, I can continue on sweeping the safety as I do now, but I like the double safety as an insurance against snag/drop/accident misfires. Please don't tell me that grip safeties are the devil's child. I'm sold on them as they are a simple lever mechanism. After 10k rounds I might look to replace it, but it's not a high wear part (and, yes, my XDS9 has been through the recall). Please also don't tell me that the world's best safety is in my head. I already agree with you, but I also know that when sxxt happens, it doesn't just hit fans.

thanks for any suggestions.