Help Me Decide


New member
I have a GP100 .357 mag 6" bbl. Should I get the GP100 4" bbl. or the SP-101 3" bbl? I am not going to be doing anything in particular with it.


New member
Should I get the GP100 4" bbl. or the SP-101 3" bbl?

If you insist on another Ruger get the GP100 4". It will shoot better. Why not pick up a Smith 686 4" as an alternative. An outstanding .357.


Woody Post

New member
Love them Ruger's

Dude.... I love the GP 100 4" bbl, but I am in process of grabbing an SP 101
2 1/4 '' bbl w/ concealed hammer to carry. These Rugers are built like tanks and can handle a variety of rounds. Trust your life w/ your Ruger


New member
CDNN had SP101s with a commander-style ring hammer. Made for the State Dept. That might be a good choice. It's unique, and if your circumstances change and you start carrying something, that's a good option, but it's still big enough to just be a fun shooter.


New member
Get both of them. The GP100 4" is a great firearm and would be my choice if I could have only one handgun. It is a little large for concealed carry, though. The 3" SP101 is smaller and lighter and makes an excellent concealed carry revolver.


New member
If you are looking for something different, the SP obviously presents more of a contrast than another GP with a barrel 2 inches shorter. Both are classics.

I found my SPs to recoil hard with heavy .357 ammo, if that's a factor. To me, a 6-inch GP would be for hunting, a 4-inch for general outdoor carry, an SP would be for concealed carry.


New member
If you're not going to carry it I would get the 4" model. I do agree no gun collection is complete without at least one 686!!