Help me decide - Sig P239 or P228?


New member
I have narrowed down my choices for a off duty gun to the 239 in 9mm and the 228. I have been to gun shops to see each of them, but cannot find a shop that has both in stock for me to compare side by side. On the 239 - does the 10 round magazines stick out a lot from the magazine well? I know that I will be getting 5 more rounds capacity from the 228 and that pulls me closer to the 228. But then I think that the 239 is smaller and likely easier to carry. I plan on carrying either in the 4 O'clock position in an IWB most of the time. And, no I can't afford both. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks


The Sig P239 is a single stacker holding 7+1 of 9mm. The magazine does not extend past the bottom of the grip. The Sig P228 is a double stacker holding 13+1 of 9mm. If you wan't slim then choose the P239. If you wan't alot of rounds then choose the P228. Sigarms has excellent customer service including a lifetime warranty on the entire gun. Sigs are +P rated if that's your cup of tea ;)


New member
Hate to nitpick, Will, but the P239 has 8+1 capacity with factory mags. DTown24, I own both the P239 and the P228 and I would base your opinion on how you plan to carry. My P228, as well as my P245, disappears well in a SmartCarry with a pair of baggy shorts and a T-shirt. The P239 is more suited for IWB carry. You can IWB the P228, but it takes a little more thought about concealing garments. I would IWB the P228 in the winter with a leather jacket, but not in the summer with just a T-shirt. YMMV depending on your body type and wardrobe.

If you want to come to Texas to try mine, I would be happy to oblige. :D


New member
The ten rounders add something like a half inch to the bottom of the grip. At least the width of a finger. Get which gun fits best. There is a radical difference in feel, the 239 is much slimmer, and the reach to the trigger is shorter. So short, as a matter of fact, that many with big hands complain. I have smaller hands and find it much more comfortable.
The gun has been ridiculously reliable and smooth to shoot. There is some adjustment necessary when shooting. There is a very big difference between the single action and double action pull.



New member
Extra grip on the ten-rounders

Alright, the ten-rounders for the P239 showed up yesterday. The ten adds 7/8ths of an inch to the backstrap and an inch to the front.

It's okay for a reload, but I think I'll have the eight in there to start with.


New member
Agreed that the decision hinges on how you're going to carry it. What's your duty weapon anyway? My department shoots SiGPro 2340 in .357, which is very similar to my P229 that I carry in a CTAC when I can. When I can't, its a Kahr PM9 front pocket. I have a P239 that I use for IWB or pancake holster when I want something thinner than the P229 or the SP2340. Surrounding agencies shoot USPs, Glock 19s, and some other full-size or "compact" duty sized weapons. Maybe another way to approach this is to buy a size you don't already have - retain your duty weapon for winter carry when you have cover garments, and get something small (P239) for summer when you don't have as much to cover with.


New member
I carry a Sig P239. It holds 8+1. While I like both the 228 and 229, I find the 239 just a tiny bit easier and more comfortable to conceal.

And if I haven't won the gunfight after firing 9 round of Winchester 127 +P+ Ranger "T", a few more rounds are not going to help. That's why I don't bother with a spare magazine. When I wore the badge, I carried spare ammo. When I retired, I discontinued the practice. Different situations, different needs. Just my $.02


Since they are similar in size, I would personally go with the P228(great balance) more capacity. However, even though they are similar in size the 1 big difference for you could be in the grip. For me the P228 "feels" better then the P239.