Help me decide (quality wise)

I have a gsg 5pk I will be trading off in the future (about 100 rounds thru it). I got it thinking it would be a fun plinker but just wasn't what I wanted (I'm sure we've all done that). I'm looking at possibly getting a 9mm carbine since nearly all my handguns are 9mm. I was internet shopping on the hi point and the kel tec. Both seem to be around 300 or so. Which is better quality wise. Does either run on the glock clips (thought I remembered seeing a while back that one did). Or should I get a different handgun. It wouldn't serve as any specific purpose other than fun and plinking as I already have my ccw rounded out. I've seen the browning and mk 2 and mk 3 which look fun. Or there's always another 9 mm for the safe and range. I'm assuming I could probably get about 400 trade for the gsg or am I dellusional on that. So thought 500 price range for the new toy. Thanks for all input.


New member
You'll get 40 % of what you paid for the GSG for a trade in purchase.

KelTec's are way better then a Hi Point but a Hi Point is made so that people that cannot afford to spend hundreds of dollars on handguns can get at least some protection.

And actually,some people stand by their Hi Points.
There's a local shop that usually tends to be pretty fair on trades. I traded a glock 23 used for a used glock 26 for 25 dollars so I hope hell do pretty good by me. I gave about 525 for the gsg about 6months ago. It has a 10 rnd and 22 rnd mag. Case and all typical accesories and a weaver style rail base. Are the 9mm carbines very accurate and fun.


New member
I don't know the current status on this so maybe someone can chime in with more recent news, but the GSG-5 series has actually been banned from further distribution in the US due to a trade dress (appearance of product) lawsuit from H&K. Remaining stock was supposedly allowed to be sold until the end of January (couple days away). This has yet to be seen, but this might make the available GSG-5s a sort of collectors item (probably more so in the long term). Just something to consider ;).
Thanks for the info bcrash. I did some searching and it looks like the gsg hk clones were ceased in october for production and sells end on january 31 as you mentioned. Prices on gunbroker seem to be the same at around 450 to 550. Other sites list it for 1999 (seems outrageous). But I hate for it to set in the safe so I may still trade just expect a little more.
I did some calling around today and one shop offered me (with the expectation on excellent condition) 375 trade for the gsg. I could technically live with that but curious if with the ban if I should just hold off.