Help me decide: New AR... .223 or 6.8, or M1, or 700SPS


New member
Let me start by saying that I currently have 2 .223/ 5.56's and a 9mm AR. One .223 is a custom M4gery, and the other is in the style of a DMR/ SPR with HBAR and 3# trigger;).
I'm trying to get my wife to start shooting more, so this rifle could be for her to use to. I also have a 2 yoa son, could be a first centerfire for him one day. I don't really have any purposes for this rifle that I don't already have a gun to cover, so really this one is just for fun!

So now the dilemma... I usually get $400-$500 every year between my birthday and Christmas (December b-day), so I'm thinking of putting some OT or Holiday pay with that and building another rifle, but I can't quite decide what I want...

Option 1: Build a bull barrel .223 using a JTD kit... $540 + optics

Option 2: Build a lite weight carbine in .223 possible SHTF gun, fun range gun, etc. $500

Option 3: Build a 6.8 SPC carbine of full size rifle, I can't even make up my mind there! (Why: because it's different and I don't have one. Yes, I reload, yes buying new mags is big detractor on this option.) Could this one up my .223 M4 as SHTF gun because of more punch? $550 + mags, dies, brass, bullets, powder.

I'm honestly leaning more toward option 1 right now, with 3 in second. HELP ME GUYS!!!

Oh yeah...
And then there is the local shop which is advertising 3 M1 Garands at $650 ea, but that sounds a little too good to be true when considering the prices I've seen at the last several shows. I know nothing about Garands other than I WANT ONE.

And finally, there are the 700SPS specials at Dicks... They were on sale for $449 w/ scope after Thanksgiving. I talked to the salesman, he said they may go back to that price before Christmas. If they do, my mind may be made.


New member
You need a fun, accurate bolt action rifle with a good scope for your collection. Buy a .223 SPS, have the trigger lightened by a Smith, mount a nice scope on it, and play sniper. Your wife can shoot it off the bench and feel comfortable with it, too. You should get a better scope than the one that'll come on the rifle, but that one will get you started, anyway.

Otherwise, get the Garand. Not the best rifle for the wife, but the kid will love it when he gets bigger, although you'll probably start him on a .22, anyway. It's your Christmas rifle, so you might as well buy a rifle for yourself, and save the need for a wife/kid rifle as an excuse to buy another rifle in the future. ;) The price on the Garand is hard to pass up if it is in good shape. You might want to grab one while you still can. You can always buy a SPS later.

I'm lots of help, huh?


New member
Just this past weekend I took my newest AR to the range and I love this gun! Without dwelling too much on the details, let me just say that it's built around a pencil barrel 16" 5.56 barrel and is super lightweight. Your mention that your wife, and eventually your son, may start shooting with whatever you put together next made me think something along the above mentioned lines might be worth considering.


New member
get a garand, it sure is a fun gun. look at CMP webpage. they sell 30-06 bullets for 25 cents a pop. thats another reason to get a garand. thru CMP you can shoot it and not put a dent in your pocket book


New member
I have a couple of .308's, a 25-06, a 6.5x47 Lapua, and a 22LR as far as bolt actions go, but I am still missing a smallbore centerfire as you state.

Re-reading my own post pretty much talks me out of the 6.8 due to start up cost.

30-06 would also require new dies, but I have tons of brass around and plenty of bullets.

I'm loving the input, keep em coming!


New member
Do you reload for the .25-06? If so, load up some milds for the wife and kid, and buy the Garand while you still can.


New member
The .25 is my 'queen'... A 1/4" gun easy when I do my part... you do have a good point. I looked at the pics of the Garands the local shop has, and they also have 12 mos. no interest. I may have just found a way to get 2 rifles! Merry Christmas me!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Get the Remington 700 SPS, in stainless. The gun is the rifle equivalent of an armored vehicle. Tough as nails, accuracy is nice and tight, and with the nice price, you can get a nice scope.
.25-06 is a good choice, but it might be a touch too much for a young lady or a young man. Especially for a first time shooter. I'd suggest a .243.


New member
Dilemma solved!

I went to check on those Garands today, and I'll be darned if one didn't follow me home. As it turns out my buddy that went with me had one follow him too! I will have pics up ASAP of my new girl.
Got a 6 digit serial number, matching stock and receiver, SA receiver and bolt, HRA op rod, and parkerizing is 80%-90% I'd say. I have no regrets, as many of you said, I can get any of the other stuff anytime (unless the libs have their way), but Garand's are drying up quick. I figure the one I got was a steal at $650. And, thanks to the shops 0% financing, I may be able to get an AR or the 700 after Christmas still!

sneaky pete

New member
Shooter_John-your 6 digit M-1

Old Sneaky here: you can find the month/year your Garand was manufactured by going to and scrolling down to the U.S.Rifle-caliber 30-M-1 topic and then to the "Data" links. I bought a CMP-Danish lend-lease S/A that was built in Dec'42 and looking at the serial # spread for that month mine was built just after "Pearl-Harbor" day. I paid $425 +shipping about 5 years ago. It shoots great. Carried one just like it for 6 years in the "Corps"


New member
Thanks Pete!

My buddy and I were looking all day for a site that could tell us the details. Looks like mine was born 07/1942! (at least the receive was anyway). I took it for a stroll today, took a clip to get it zeroed, and next up was a 5" group w/ Greek surplus. I LOVE THIS RIFLE!!! Can't wait to really get some range time in with this one.


New member
About a year ago, I decided that I would finally break down and buy a Garand. I had this notion that I'd get one that already had the bbl shot out and have it replaced anyhow to save a few $$ and a few more headaches. I ran across one that was just stupid-cheap and I jumped on it. IT PAYS TO LOOK HARD!!! The guy told me that to be honest, it wouldn't be much of a shooter because the bbl just didn't look right and it was shot out. Come to find out- it has a 1953 LMR 2- groove bbl that is 1 on the TE and .5 on the ME! It was hard to sleep during the first week I had the thing... all I could do was lay there and giggle all night.

Also, if you check out Fulton Armory page- one of their Guru's says that even if the TE is way up there- good accuracy can be re-achieved by having the crown recessed 1/4" to get rid of the bad rifling caused by cleaning and gas.
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New member
You'll never regret buying that Garand. There's just something about them that satisfied the soul of a shooter and ravages the heart of a target.
