Help me decide: LCP, PM9, or wait for the LC9


New member
Once again I find myself trying to figure out what my next gun will be. I typically buy only one or two guns a year, and spend most of the rest of my time deciding what to buy. It is a disease or sorts.

Anyway, I'm looking for a small carry gun to add to the mix. I was sent on an LCP due to the pocket capability, but am now intrigued by the LC9 - given it has a manual saftey and fires the 9mm. The PM9 has always been on my wish list, I just have trouble justifying that kind of money when I could get two Rugers for what it costs for a Kahr.

Any advice/help would be appreciated. I currently carry by PPK/S daily, and would like something a little bit smaller/thinner. Pocket carry is a big plus, but again I like 9mm over 380. Manual saftey is a positive as well.



New member
The wait for a LC9 might be a long one. Remember when the LCP came out? Six-month waiting lists after they first hit the market.
If you nees a CCW now, considering that the LC9's MSRP is only $80 more than the LCP, there might be your 2 Rugers for the price of one PM9.
I included my rule of gun ownership #1 in my signature. Now I'll share rule # 2 with you.
Guns are like Jello, there's alwayse room for more!:D
Why not the CW9? Owners seem to like them just as much as the PM9.

But, I'll throw another one into the mix! I am waiting on the Bersa BP9cc (single stack 9mm). Still waiting on approval from the ATF for import.



New member
I'd wait for the Ruger LC9.

Ruger hit a mighty home run with the LCP :D and just might have done it again.


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New member
Read the Gunblast review - a noted issue with the Ruger plus it's new - so it MAY have some teething issues. Plus I don't like extensive safety warning and shark fin loaded chamber indicator on the Ruger....

Check out the review and photos...

I do have the Kahr PM9 - worth every penney....


New member

Thanks for the article - I hadn't read it.

I like his reviews and read them on the guns I plan to buy.

It appears the author really liked the LC9.

In his summation he says the LC9 "is a pistol for which shooters have been asking. "

Thanks again.



New member
The wait for a LC9 might be a long one. Remember when the LCP came out? Six-month waiting lists after they first hit the market.

I'm a Ruger fan, but I'd wait till they get the recall problems out of way before I bought a LC9. Their track record points that there will be a recall so hang out before you buy a LC9. Plus, if you do find one, you'll pay a higher price because they will be in demand.

I know both of these as fact because I bought an LCP when they first came out. I did pay a bit more and mine was of course a pre-recall model. Ruger took care of the upgrades and my LCP is an excellent, reliable pocket gun. I have no regrets by the way.

With that, if you really want a true pocket gun, the LCP is it. If it doesn't work for you, I'd sit tight and give the LC9 a chance to cool off first.
Although I think the LC9 will border on too large for MY pocket, I think I would wait on it. I have the LCP for the pocket carry but will most likely pick up the LC9 for IWB or OWB carry.

However, neither will replace my main carry G26.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I would stick to the PM9 over the other choices you mentioned. As for the LC9, I have to say that I'm not overly impressed with it and would be weary of being a beta tester.


New member
I had a LCP, didn't like it, traded it towards a PM9, and couldn't be more pleased. I figured I would sacrifice a little size and money for a 9mm pocket pistol in lieu of a .380. Besides I couldn't stand the LCP's snap and sights or I should say lack of.


New member

2 mediocre pistols don't add up to one superb pistol.

Get the PM9 and forget about what it costs. This is
a pistol with a mission, not a plinker or a target gun.
Although you can plink with it and shoot target. But
it's design and build quality add up to superb performance
as a concealed carry weapon.

I have been shooting/carrying a PM40 and a P40 Covert. I just
picked up a PM9 because I wanted a nine. Shot it
for the first time today. Typical Kahr accuracy. These
guns are easy to hit with for their platform size. I have
yet to have a bobble with any of my Kahr's.

King Kong Kahr -- Everything else is a baby chimp wetting himself

Just kidding !!!





New member
Get the LCP for now, add a Crimson Trace laserguard, then wait for the LC9. it, like all new products, will have some "bugs" to deal with, so let the hype die down and all the issues will be dealt with. Then handle and/or rent a few, see how you like it!


New member
The LCP and PM9 are already tried and true. The LC9 doesnt have enough time under its belt to work out the bugs (if there are any).


New member
Get a PM 9 or if you are looking for a lighter pocket carry gun, get a P380 which is a much better shooter than the LCP (I have them both).

Get the LC9 if you want a year or two from now once it has been beta tested.


New member
LCP= self defense only, great carrier, ****ty trigger, going to shoot it much probably not. Rather have it on me than nothing at all you bet!