Help me choose MY single CCW piece.


New member
Please assist me in choosing which ONE handgun to carry as I've varied my carry piece way too often. Sorry I screwed up the poll.

HK P7M8 9mm
Sig P245 .45
Sig P226 9mm
Springfield Loaded .45
Colt Anaconda 4" .44 Mag
Glock 20 10mm
Smith 1006 10mm


New member
Brother, if you can conceal that Anaconda, draw and unload it quickly into the black of a 25 yard slow fire target within five seconds, you go for it.

I vote HK P7M8.



First of all, using what carry method/holster type? Second, what size is the Springfield 1911 - 4", 5", what? and gov't or officer's grip length?

But without knowing more, the P7 of those choices for sure.

Oh, also, what action type appeals to you? Do you, or do you not regularly train with an SAO pistol by drawing from concealment and making taking off-manual-safe second nature?


New member
Thanks, guys. Yeah, the .44 I put there mostly for fun. I love the gun though. With specials, it's cake, BTW. It conceals pretty well on me, too.

The HK it is, with a nod to the Sig 245 if I just can't live w/o the bigger bullets. Now, I have to get those night sights on the P7M8.

As to my preferences, I have used pistols for a good long while and do not feel inadequate with any type MOA I've yet encountered. I've never had a problem transitioning from say a Glock to a 1911 to the P7. I've just practiced safely & regularly at the range and at home (dry-firing) until I'm comfortable. Sure, in the heat of a social encounter things might go differently. That's why I'm focusing more on one carry piece...just in case.

Oh, the SA Loaded is a 5".



New member

On the CC gun threads I have not seen the Sig P239 or the HK Compact mentioned. Is there anything wrong with either of these two? My research seems to indicate they should be good carry guns. Both are about the same weight and size. Opinions??????


New member
I shoot the P7 best; must be that stationary barrel. That's another very good reason for it to be the primary CCW piece...the accuracy.

Thanks to all. Happy New Year, btw!


New member
Well, there you have it then. You shoot it best, & it's the easiest to carry of the guns you listed. Why go with anything else?

