Help identify this mark on a Colt 1861 Navy


New member
This marking is on a Colt 1861 Navy 2nd Generation, a Colt released product from the 1970's. Can someone identify this proof mark located on the frame above the trigger guard? Specifically, what is the significance of this marking?

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New member
I would swear with the way it looks etched instead of stamped that some one put that mark there, sortof like a brand of a cattle company or something.


New member
Don't know about the mark, but I ran that fingerprint through AFIS (Automatic Fingerprint Identification System), and I suggest you deny everything, admit nothing and demand proof! :D

The Doc is out now. :cool:


New member
It has been added. I have two 2nd gen 51's, no etched logo on them.
It looks like a lazy B on a tripod.

Check your bolt, it's starting to peen the cylinder notches. Them finger prints well get you in trouble every time.


New member
Don't let your hammer down from half cock. You're getting a drag line from it. Fully cock it before letting it down.

Fingers McGee

New member
I would swear with the way it looks etched instead of stamped that some one put that mark there, sort of like a brand of a cattle company or something.

That's the first thing that crossed my mind too Raider



New member
Case coloring can be seen on the raised surface of the imprint so it was done afterward.
There's many companies that make custom stamps like that which don't come cheap.
Despite the affect on its value, it does look to be nicely done though. :)


New member
Just to clarify...I don't own this firearm. Anyhow, I just found out what the deal is with the mark. It is actually a branding mark of the now deceased owner. Apparently, he had 80 firearms of which 25 had the branding mark. I guess this is just a fancy way of carving your initials into the grip or like some dumbarses who will scratch their phone number into the frame. I guess this dude's brand will outlive him.
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New member
Alien. Definitely alien.
Regulus 6, I'd guess. Perhaps Altarian.
One of those marks showed up on my inner thigh a few days after my abduction.
I don't wanna talk about it ... :D


New member
I'm aware of this tread's age.

I just picked up a second gen 1862 and it does not have that mark. It is foreign to me.

Gaucho Gringo

New member
No, no it is the mark of the Alien. They beam guns up to their spaceships and when they get done inspecting them, they put that little mark on them and send them back to us. They then sit around and laugh at the earthlings going nuts trying to figure out the marking means.