help for a friend

old fart

New member
i have a friend who has decided to get into semi-auto's, he has been only a revolver guy. he wants a p95 but has been told by people he works with that the polymer rails won't last on the p95, and the metal ruger uses is soft. i have two p95's but only have a few hundred rounds thru them so i don't know. i know mine have been reliable and don't show any signs of wear, his coworkers have been trying to get him to go glock. he just wants a reliable gun to take to the range, and pull duty as a home defense weapon without hurting his wallet. thanks for any help.

russian hammer

New member
My father bought a very, very well used one from a friend 2 years ago and I can tell you that it looks to hold up and still shoots quite well. In fact I was shooting steel with it just over the holidays and it sure felt good to me. Hope that helps:D


New member
If your friend is going to shoot more than 5000 rds per year with it, then maybe the polymer rails are of concern. If he's like the rest of us, it's a non-issue.


New member
The range I shoot at has had a P95 for rental for the past 14 years. Tens of thousands of rounds, and while they do keep good care of their rental guns, I'd still consider it "hard use". They've never had any problems with it.

The Ruger P95 is a great gun. Like any gun, you should periodically inspect it for worn parts. But I wouldn't worry too much about its durability.