Help! For .50 BMG Trajectory Info

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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
A buddy of mine has a Barret .50. He wants to sight it in for 500 yards (for now).

Dead on at 500 is how high at 100?

Thanx, Art

Mal H

Art - I know living in Terlingua makes you somewhat of a minimalist, so I'll go with the data you brung us. ;)

Using a Speer 647 gr. FMJ at 2650 zeroed at 500, it should be 11.5" high at 100. HTH

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Thanks, Mal. I dunno what sort of ammo he's got, but that's close enough for a start.

We wuz gonna do it today but a norther blew in. Even a .50 is a bit of a problem for wind drift when it's 30 to 40 mph...

With my benchrest on the front porch, I may lean some plywood against the nearby windows, given the angle of the muzzle-brake on that Barrett. :)





That load will track the 30 caliber Sierra 175 grain Matchking bullet almost exactly.

Just plug the matchking into your ballistics computer and you'll have some real close come up data.


Jeff White

New member

I have a copy of the Army Firing Table for .50 API. I can post the data here or e-mail to you, whichever you prefer. Have to wait till I get home tonight.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Jeff, I don't want to get too complex. The owner of this toy is not the brightest star in the heavens.

The plan for now is to set up, say, 12" high at 100, which should get us on at 500 (22" steel plate).

Then, I'll take my backhoe down to the targets, and stand on its roof with my laser rangefinder. He'll wander off through the brush with a reflector, and we'll set up a 1,000 yard target. :)

I think he has only GI ammo. I don't know. Gotta ask. It's more his problem than mine; well, his billfold, anyhow.

Whatever's convenient: email me, if you have the data for 100, 500 and 1,000 yards.

Thanks a lot,


PS: Michael: The "11.5" number jogged my memory, and I checked my Sierra tables. Yup! :)

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
'Way Ow Chonder on Terlingua Creek.!


I'll look forward to reading of your results.

Only .50 BMG rifle I ever got to mess with, there were enough problems so I couldn't really enjoy it: Two hundred yard max range, improper scope, and then later, improper mounts. Makeshift bipod. Combination of a conglomeration of errors: Improper scope, Improperly mounted, in Improper mounts. Ended up with the ONLY time I have EVER been scope-browed, and it just WOULDN'T quit bleeding.

One of these days, it will all come together for me - - -


Jeff White

New member
Finally got the data typed up...

The quality of the old firing table didn't allow it to scan well. I finally got it typed into a word document if anyone wants it.

Art, yours is in your mailbox.

Sorry for the delay. Too many projects going at once.



New member
Jeff, If you don't mind, I would like to have a copy. My email addy is in my profile. I've been toying with the idea of a 50 but don't have a great place to shoot one to it's potential.

oneshot onekill

New member
Which Barrett are you using? The reason I ask is if you're shooting surplus Machine gun ammo and you're shooting an M82 or M82A1 or M107 you may be disappointed with the accuracy. The semi-auto Barrett's only hold to about 4MOA. Surplus Machine gun ammo will open that up even more... But they are a Hoot!!! Have fun!


New member
the last 2 links seem to take me to warner bros. web site

Wow, an "acmecity" web site, that is a blast from the past.

Acmecity was a free web hosting, it started out (If I remember correctly) for fans of TV shows on the WB network to make web pages about their favorite shows.

After Rosie Donnell started running her mouth about gun control, a bunch of gun people got together and put up gun related web sites using Acmecity. I think there were about 300 or so pro 2A sitres in all. If I recall it mostly came from the rec.guns usenet group, but spread to pro gun sites all around the web pretty quickly ( Including TFL, here is a post from 1999 about it) . I think they finally killed the service about 10 years ago.

Oh, and the last time Jeff logged in was 2004, so I am guessing he probably won't see your request. This thread is 11 years old, after all.
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